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I hadn't seen Planes Trains and Automobiles for a billion years and it's such a great #movie.

The situation is basically two of the worst people in existence being forced together but much of the humour is visual. It's not so much full of witty lines, but just funny situations.

John Candy plays a kind of proto-Homer Simpson: a terrible person who you just love. Steve Martin plays the downtrodden ordinary person, who is an asshole because he lets life get to him.


#Movies #films
... I think the funniest part is the rented car with John Candy messing around with the seat, then air piano and air saxing to Ray Charles.

Also one part that has always stuck in my memory is when they are in the airport at the beginning. And Steve Martin recognises John candy with Candy recreatiing his shocked reaction through a taxi door window while still in the airport.

I like that part. Rather than replay the clip, they restage the clip in a new setting.
And another things about #PlanesTrainsAndAutomobiles is how there is some clever foreshadowing in it.

First is Steve Martin's watch, which gets a nice close up, bringing in time as central to the premise, but also as a valuable object used later in the movie.

Then there's John Candy's trunk, which I guess is a metaphor for Candy's character, being a dead weight, holding Martin back.

There's even the mention of Martin forgetting his gloves, then later in desperate need of gloves.


Inhaltswarnung: Planes, Trains and Automobiles spoilers

Inhaltswarnung: Planes, Trains and Automobiles spoilers

Inhaltswarnung: Planes, Trains and Automobiles spoilers

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