Solid talks, panels that gave chills to the audience, so much to do to to put pressure on governments to stop the madness of warfare.
Thanks to the all the speakers and to our always engaged and sharp audience for joining us at the Investigating the #KillCloud conference.
Check all the talks if you missed it:
#DNL34 #war #warfare #ai #automatedweapons #gaza #palestina
Thanks to the all the speakers and to our always engaged and sharp audience for joining us at the Investigating the #KillCloud conference.
Check all the talks if you missed it:
#DNL34 #war #warfare #ai #automatedweapons #gaza #palestina
Investigating the Kill Cloud — Disruption Network Lab
Information Warfare, Autonomous Weapons & AI · 10 Years Disruption Network Lab 29.11–1.12.2024Disruption Network Lab