300 tonnes of russian Ammonium Nitrate dumped in the North Sea off the coast of Yarmouth. Just outside the 12 mile territorial limit so the claim could be made no pollution of English Nationalist waters has been committed. Instead it can be relied on to drift away & pollute Belgian, French, Dutch, Danish & Norwegian waters. Heartily endorsed by Reformtown MP Rupert Lowe as safe & bringing 'jobs'.
Nice one #Reform
300 tonnes of russian Ammonium Nitrate dumped in the North Sea off the coast of Yarmouth. Just outside the 12 mile territorial limit so the claim could be made no pollution of English Nationalist waters has been committed. Instead it can be relied on to drift away & pollute Belgian, French, Dutch, Danish & Norwegian waters. Heartily endorsed by Reformtown MP Rupert Lowe as safe & bringing 'jobs'.
Nice one #Reform
The damaged ship docked in Great Yarmouth that no-one wants
The MV Ruby has had to dump 300 tonnes of its ammonium nitrate cargo offshore - but why is it here?Matt Precey (BBC News)
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