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Forest Creatures on the Move in the Mist.

The two photographs are made with in-camera double exposures.

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Another vertical image of trees in the misty forest. It is mostly pine trees but there is one small deciduous tree to the left. The soil is covered in lichens, moss and some fallen down branches. At the center of the photo stands a big and old deciduous tree that ends with two big brances aboute two thirds up, and those big branches looks like curved horns like an antelope have. The image is black and white.
A vertical image of pine trees in a misty forest. A bit to the left one of the pines have grown a bit curly and makes it look like some sort of creature with long hair standing up and are reaching out with one of its arms. Most of the trees have old and crakced bark, but one pine to the left has lost some of its bark, perhaps made of a woodpeckers work. The soil is filled with lingonberry twigs and moss. It is a photo with dull and pale colours due to the mist.