I am not surprised to learn that Spotify paid over $150,000 towards the presidential ceremony for Trump https://ra.co/news/81974 #bigtech #spotify #trump
Spotify donated to Trump's inauguration, report finds
Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter reported that the streaming giant paid over $150,000 towards the presidential ceremony.Michael Lawson (Resident Advisor)
ralf tauscher :FreiburgSocial: •
for others @funkwhale runs smooth in a raspi at home and can serve your flac-ed vinyl or something ;)
Funkwhale •
builds for arm works locally but I've no experience on builds so I'm not sure the lib I added are a good thing (for image size or something I didn't though about)
Fix arm docker build gfortran NOCHANGELOG (!2868) · Merge requests · funkwhale / funkwhale · GitLab