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2024-11-01 06:53:28
2024-11-01 06:49:46
2024-11-01 06:48:50
Andre Louis
4 Monate her
Andre Louis
4 Monate her
Aah, found me a female Aaron David. All emoji, no #
. Requires too much effort to parse all that, gotta go.
Lydia Conwell
4 Monate her
Who's Aaron David?
Andre Louis
4 Monate her
The fact that you don't know speaks volumes to your sensible, and selective follow list haha. Best to keep it that way methinks.
Andre Louis
4 Monate her
I think it must actually be a bot account, it always posts shitty memes with no text in the post, just an image, and 0% alt text. You're missing nothing.
Lydia Conwell
4 Monate her
I found two accounts with the name and the one used the most has 4 followers.
Andre Louis
4 Monate her
Maybe it went away then. no great loss.
Lydia Conwell •
Andre Louis •
Andre Louis •
Lydia Conwell •
Andre Louis •