If you know someone who wants help using this place, feel free to ask, I can answer their questions directly. This account aims to be an unofficial help desk, especially for new or non-technical people.
If they're having trouble signing up, they can email me at email@fedi.tips
Also, please tell new people about the website at https://fedi.tips (especially the Quick Start section at the top). This has lots of non-technical advice for beginners and will help them get started.
If they're having trouble signing up, they can email me at email@fedi.tips
Also, please tell new people about the website at https://fedi.tips (especially the Quick Start section at the top). This has lots of non-technical advice for beginners and will help them get started.
Fedi.Tips – An Unofficial Guide to Mastodon and the Fediverse
An unofficial guide to using Mastodon and the Fediversefedi.tips
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stovis •
Clément Latzarus •
Fedi.Tips •
These are linked at the bottom of this page:
If you want to do your own version of the site in other languages, feel free as long as you link back to the original 🙂
Are there any other guides to Mastodon and the Fediverse? | Fedi.Tips – An Unofficial Guide to Mastodon and the Fediverse
fedi.tipsClément Latzarus •
Sasi •
Fedi.Tips •
Fedi.Tips (@FediTips@social.growyourown.services)
social.growyourown.servicesFlavio Torba •
Fedi.Tips •
You follow them exactly as you would follow any account: just click on the name and click "follow".
For example, this is a Pixelfed account:
If you click on it within Mastodon it will look like a Mastodon account, but it's actually a Pixelfed account.
Another example, this is a PeerTube account:
You can follow it just like any other account. If you reply to a video in Mastodon, it appears a a comment in PeerTube.
Flavio Torba •
Flavio Torba •
Fedi.Tips •
For example if you do a search in Mastodon, the search results will be from a variety of platforms, not just Mastodon.
Here's a guide for how to discover accounts to follow:
How do I discover accounts to follow on Mastodon and the Fediverse? | Fedi.Tips – An Unofficial Guide to Mastodon and the Fediverse
fedi.tipsElischeva •
Fedi.Tips •
Once you're on your profile, click on "Following" to see who you follow.
Em (is looking for work) :official_verified: •
Fedi.Tips •
Well done for the support you're providing too!
Alexandro Lacadena 📷 •
Fedi.Tips •
There's nothing that can be done about this unfortunately.
Alexandro Lacadena 📷 •
Fedi.Tips •
There's more info here: https://fedi.tips/scheduling-posts-on-mastodon/
Scheduling posts on Mastodon | Fedi.Tips – An Unofficial Guide to Mastodon and the Fediverse
fedi.tipsAlexandro Lacadena 📷 •
Claudine C :dingding: •
Fedi.Tips •
Grey Liliy •
Iαη •
It doesn't make sense seeing the very end of long posts first. Quite peculiar.
Thanks for the really helpful work.
Fedi.Tips hat dies geteilt
Fedi.Tips •
By the way, when you say "end of long posts first", do you mean the final posts of threads?
Iαη •
Fedi.Tips •
Iαη •
rsp •
Actual Chronological Feeds · Issue #22667 · mastodon/mastodon
GitHubIαη •
You will read "... the butler murdered him. The End" first.
Ducky Fella •
Fedi.Tips •
Is that not happening for you?
Ducky Fella •
Fedi.Tips •
When you open most Mastodon apps it shows you the latest posts and then you scroll down from there to see older ones?
(By the way I'm not being snarky, just genuinely interested in different people's experiences! 🙂 )
Ducky Fella •
not sam •
Iαη •
The requirement is an option to reverse this direction.
not sam •
note: I still don't think I understand, because this seems to contradict your first description, as far as I could understand it. I'm not trying to be difficult -- just trying to understand, and perhaps help others understand too. that said, if you find my questions annoying, feel free to tell me and/or stop trying to answer them. maybe someone else will respond in a more helpful way!
not sam •
so, you're scrolling along down, and at some point you see the last post in an extended thread, of which you haven't previously read the earlier posts? not ideal. you'd like the feed to handle extended threads differently so that you could more easily recognize them and start reading them from the beginning.
Iαη •
Fedi.Tips •
Iαη •
Timo Ewalds •
Iαη •
Fedi.Tips •
I guess there ought to be options for both groups?
Timo Ewalds •
Franky :friendica:
Iαη mag das.
Iαη •
Steve Cuthbert •
Iαη •
People are confusing "threads" with "the main timeline".
People are confusing "scrolling up" with posts moving down. And people are confusing "first" and "last" with top and bottom as they see it.
Steve Cuthbert •
Fedi.Tips •
rsp •
They want to read like a book that is being written as you are reading it. New sentences appearing at the bottom.
Try Pachli for Android, and on Mona for iPhone...as suggested in 2nd link.
Feature: Option for natural reading order of timeline · Issue #952 · mastodon/mastodon-android
GitHubJeffrey Haas •
WesDym •
I've recommended that posts be Quiet by default for this reason, and about once a month recommend that people set that as their default, so far with limited success.
Fedi.Tips •
It's just because apps show newest unread posts at the top by default, and they're asking for an option to show the oldest unread at the top.
(What you say is true on the Local timeline though!)
ZenDragoness//RES •
Tyvm for your work, do you need support?
Fedi.Tips •
I have a Ko-fi and Liberapay to help cover the bills from the sites and accounts, any kind of support is appreciated! 🙂
FediThing's profile - Liberapay
LiberapayZenDragoness//RES •
ZenDragoness//RES •
ZenDragoness//RES •
Luc :bc: :bc: :bc: :bc: :bc: •
Fedi.Tips •
Luc :bc: :bc: :bc: :bc: :bc: •
billy •
Fedi.Tips •
You can't link two accounts from different servers together, but you can verify that you're the same person by putting a link to your other account in your profiles on both.
billy •