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"'Hold the line': Nobel laureate says Americans should learn from the Philippines’ experience"

She said her team at Rappler faced their fears and did quarterly drills of what they imagined worse case scenarios would be so they could prepare to resist.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtSTBoPloqI #Fascism #Journalism
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (2 Monate her)
Maria Ressa’s points:
1. Autocracy is about power and money, not about ideology
2. Beware of bottom up attacks on journalists through social media (journalist = criminal)
3. Beware of top down attacks through legal cases, tax audits, vindictive government agencies
4. Do not normalize autocratic behavior
5. Hold on to democratic values
6. Be transparent
7. Stay committed
8. #Journalism Not about taking sides, but on the side of facts
9. Hold the line: defend the Constitution

Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (2 Monate her)

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Maria Ressa's points continued:

10. In some ways a corrupt government is easier to deal with, as everything is transactional
11. Build community, engage with the real world
12. Crowd funding to address challenges
13. We are factionalized through social media (it connects as well as corrupts us and separates us), has led to people electing illiberal leaders democratically
14. Collaborate
#Resistance #Journalism

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Maria Ressa's points:

15. Reach across the ideological spectrum to like-minded people who also care about democratic values
16. Embrace your fears
17. Imagine worst case scenarios and workflow them (through drills)

#Resistance #Journalism

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