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Losing my mind at how many people are turning to democratic politicians to lead the resistance against fascism.

Democrats paved the way for all of this. It’s up to us.
Democrats in the US, what's left of the pseudo-labor-party in UK, French/German counterparts paved the way to fascism to cause a split among conservatives. The end result is themselves turning to conservatives and the right to ultra-right, so now it is all corporate politics against humanity, the environment, and life in general.

Going back 50y when things weren't so bad, someone was labeled an extremist for referring to them as dixocrats.

Dixiecrats rule since 1968 @yianiris But truth be told, they just pass the buck back and forth. If you saw the GOP platform from the 1950s you'd think they were left wing radical compared to the Dems then or now. After 1968 the #DUOPOLY owned by #Plutocrats became complete. I suspect the Banker's Coup during the FDR admin finally played out decades later. The current difference illustrated below.

@alissaazar #USPol #USPolitics

Remember that dictator that walked into the mint and threatened to shut it down if they didn't add "In God We Trust" .. no democratic process or legal action, just a mad X-ian the US political oligarchy allowed to play.

Ask around and 9/10 will tell you it is what the country was founded on, it has been on every dollar printed since 1776, when it was the world's first country not based on any particular "#theism"

It is now more conservative than the VatiXan

@heretical_i @alissaazar