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#Qassam # Hostages

"From the Qassam tunnels... the moment the Israeli detainees received the news of their release"

Unlike the previous hostages released, these are looking thin, but then again Gazans were dying of starvation because of Israelis blocking food. Gallant also admitted killing their own hostages by invoking the Hannibal directive. And just compare with the Palestinian hostages released from Israeli prisons: tortured and famished

#Qassam # Hostages

And this is the answer to Netanyahu's complaint that the three Israelis hostages released today have lost weight.
Lost weight as opposed to torture, rape, starvation, disease inflicted to the Palestinians detained in the Israeli's torture camps with no judicial process whatsoever?
Netanyahu should keep his mouth shut until the day he dies. In prison hopefully.

@palestine has he even seen the state of the surviving Palestinian hostages? And some didn’t even survive

#Netanyahu, like a majority of Israelis, doesn’t view #Palestinians as human beings! He denies their humanity! They are “untermensch” to him! Only white (ie European descent) Israelis are .*truly* human as far as he is concerned!

Why should he take *any* interest in the Palestinians (including thousands of children ffs) who have been so savagely treated in Israel’s Gitmo torture camps?

Netanyahu is the personification of evil!

#Israel #Gaza #Genocide
@palestine which is pretty ironic because the Jews in the Palestinians have the same genetic origins

Absolutely right!

“Archaeologic and genetic data support that both Jews and Palestinians came from the ancient Canaanites, who extensively mixed with Egyptians, Mesopotamian, and Anatolian peoples in ancient times. Thus, Palestinian-Jewish rivalry is based in cultural and religious, but not in genetic, differences”

Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11543891/

#Palestinians #Jews #Genetics #Similarities #Differences
Really too bad the only actual semites in Palestine are palestinian Arabs. Most Jews like myself have little to none semitic heritage. We're European C Asian etc CONVERTS. Johns Hopkins studied this and that was the result. @GeriatricGardener There WERE Semitic Jews in my Brookyn Hood in the 60s. Did I mention the invaders in palestine were racist? They drove the semites out and the arabs stopped trusting them too thinking it was TRIBAL war. Imported African slave laborers. The only semites now