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Republicans remain far more likely than Democrats to say the U.S. is sending too much aid to Ukraine (47% vs. 14%).

Republicans are also more likely to say the U.S. doesn’t benefit from NATO membership (51% vs. 17%) and that European countries should increase their defense spending (50% vs. 30%).

#RepublicansAreStupid #StopTrumpNow #TrumpDidThis #RepublicansDidThis #RepublicansOwnThis #GOPKakistocracy #GOPWeirdos #NoRepublicansEverAgain #USPol
Public education in states with GOP governors and legislators is for shit, and getting worse all the time, between the book bans and the injection of a so-called "Christian" mythology into schools. "Keep 'em stupid, keep 'em voting Republican."

Denis Buckley hat dies geteilt