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“A German property developer has sparked outrage with a plan to turn a World War II tunnel system into a luxury bunker for rich survivalists who fear the outbreak of World War III.”

"Relatives of the prison labourers who built it under the Nazis are aghast at the business venture that is offering a crypto-currency called ‘BunkerCoin' as entry tokens […]”

"Others suspect an elaborate ploy to embarrass German authorities and raise the price for the sensitive historical property's eventual re-sale to the state.”


Thread continues from here;


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“The entrepreneur behind the venture is Peter Karl Jugl, who according to news weekly Der Spiegel has past links to far-right figures.”

"Jugl bought the tunnel site in 2019 from an insolvency administrator after it had previously served as a munitions depot for the communist East German state.”

"As the controversy flares, Jugl has offered the state of Saxony-Anhalt the chance to buy the tunnels back.

His asking price, according to multiple sources, is eight million euros -- far beyond the 1.3 million euros he paid for it.”

Dissolve the rich ⚗️


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