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International Journalists' Network: *Bypassing censorship to reach audiences in Iran: The case of Zamaneh Media*


"For nearly two decades, Zamaneh Media has brought the people of Iran valuable information about their country, one of the most closed information ecosystems in the world. The outlet, which operates from the Netherlands and whose name means “time” in old literary Persian, is one of the most visible media platforms writing about Iran today, reporting stories in Persian and English on topics such as mass executions in prisons, child labor, and treatment of Afghan migrants.

“As a news organization, we have something that a lot of advocacy organizations, for instance, don’t have, which is reach,” said Joris van Duijne, Zamaneh Media’s executive director at the time of this interview.

The Iranian government is one of the world’s most repressive in terms of press freedom, ranking 176 out of 180 countries in Reporters Without Borders’ press freedom index. Thirty-five journalists are detained by the Iranian government as of September 2024, often under vague and arbitrary laws such as offending religious and political leaders. …"

#Iran #IJN #PressFreedom #journalism #censorship #Zamaneh