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Just been playing with the babies. They are so playful and active, my Supervisor won't know what hit her.

Got stunk out again by my little tabby friend's bathroom visit at 9pm.
A tabby kitten sitting on a rug, looking up.
A dark kitten lays beside cat toys
Babies have had their brekky. She has a new game where she climbs up the back of an office chair (being so light) and sits on top, surveying the room. He is sitting on the chair, whacking at her tail as she does this.

I get the feeling she's about to climb all my bookcases.
Crouching tiger, hidden kitten.
A tabby kitten lurks under some paper
A tabby kitten lunges out from under the paper, towards the camera.
I will need some more paper, they've shredded all this already.
A tabby kitten looks up as a dark kitten lays on the floor, surrounded by shredded paper and kitten toys.
Babies were up and raring to go by the time I got there for brekky. Last night I gave them two sachets for dinner then one for late dinner and it was all gone. So gave them 3 meals for brekky and he's already devoured 1.5 meals on his own. All kitten milk was drunk as well.

This is why I am going through tonnes of kitty litter 😀

Babies, now with full bellies, are back to playing.
Babies have had dinner, are now just in sleepy wandering mode at present. Kitten madness won't really kick off for another hour ish.

Meanwhile my Supervisor is not feeling great, took her to the vet today. I had suspected UTI but discovered she's got some gingivitis and a mouth ulcer. So have to rule out UTI (and wait for her to pee to get a sample), then she'll be going in for dental surgery soon, my poor girl.

Me at the vets "Welp, see you Wednesday with the babies!"
Victory! After following my Supervisor around for the past few hours I now have a pee sample to take to the vet first thing in the morning. I do think it's not a UTI now, this should rule it out.

She won't like dental surgery, had another kitty years back with some bad teeth. He adapted to it though, pretty quickly.
Another morning, one more sleep until everyone's finally united. I fed the babies who were already up, and they hoovered down most of their brekky by the time I got back from my walk. Patted all the doggies at the park.

Then went for a drive and dropped off my Supervisor's little sample pot. And patted a very excited doggy waiting for their vet appointment.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (3 Wochen her)
Babies have had dinner. They are currently snuggled on top of each other on a chair. Whatever's left in their plates and milk bowl goes away at bedtime, and then it's fasting time until tomorrow. He's not to eat before surgery from 10pm so no food for either.

Hopefully this makes it easier to catch him in the morning!

Once he's in the carry cage, she can have brekky then we'll go to the vet!
D Day is here. Went down to feed them, got her some brekky and waited for him to come into the bathroom. He finally did, then I got the door shut before he could bolt. He tried to hide from me in the litter tray, hissing all the while. I got him out of there and took him to the already open carrier and then he got super mad so now I have some cuts in my wrist but he's in the carrier. She'll be easy to stick in the carrier, however she can go in my old one as he's still mad as hell in there.
She has been vaxxed and he's gone off to surgery. He'd scrunched himself into a ball in the corner of the carrier, poor baby.

She's a little sleepy from the vaxx. And has decided safest place right now is hiding in the litter box.

My supervisor is under a desk, feeling very suspicious.
I have taken this oppo to move all the kitten stuff upstairs so she can find something familiar to hide in.

Supervisor is hanging with me, is sus.
I cleaned three trays out, moving her along as I cleaned. She's back in a tray. Supervisor crept in, tail got all boofed up and the two sniffed noses. Then Supervisor growled a couple of times, baby hissed, Supervisor now under a seat thinking about things.
White and black cat in loaf position on a blue rug under a chair
Someone wants to eat kitten brekky.

Baby is sleeping in the litter box, no doubt some tiredness from the vaccine and it's been quite a stressful, tiring, morning.
A white and black cat sits outside a laundry, peering in.
Got baby out of the box, she sat in my lap for a while looking around in amazement at her new world. Then got startled and ran under the oven. So I had to get her out from under there and block that off. She's back in the litterbox.

Things are very scary when you've grown up outside and suddenly all this is happening.
Her brother's surgery went fine, shall pick him up shortly. The two of them together again will reassure the both of them, no doubt.
Well he was the naughtiest patient today, apparently. Not that he's at all socialised to begin with, unfortunately. Been hissing and not happy post op. Then they discovered they hadn't given him a vaxx so he got that too. Is home, in the carrier still. Has hissed at me twice so I've put out dinner for them both and left them to sort things out. He's facing her in the litterbox.
Heard a clunking sound from the laundry, he was ducking back into the carrier. Some food has been eaten, I suspect by him. She's still in the litter tray, in loaf position, looking relaxed. I have no doubt they'll come out tonight to explore once it's dark and quiet.
Just checked on them. He's still in carrier but Iooks like he's had more to eat.

She's still in a hooded tray, laying and relaxed in there. I picked her up and put her by food bowls to show her dinner but she wasn't interested and has gone back to the tray.

Just heard a hiss coming from there, I think he's hissed at his sister.
I got woken in the night by my Supervisor cleaning my hair. A couple hisses happened but nothing major.

Found her between some bookcases but she came out for me. Got her to have some brekky.

He's currently lodged himself here. Still has vet ID collar on him as he wasn't letting them take it off. I'll let him sort himself out at his own pace. Hopefully hunger will eventually bring him out.
A tabby kitten eating from a cat shaped feeding bowl
A dark kitten half upside down lying between a cabinet and a wall
Put my friend in a familiar place. She was ok in there, poked at some toys. But has gone back to the safety of the laundry.
A tabby kitten in a cardboard cat palace
Have been visiting with the babies all day, she's happy to come out and get pats, play with some toys, purring. Makes teeny squeaks occasionally at me.

He's been hiding all day.

Dinner time rolls around.

I get everyone's bowls cleaned and ready. Put a fresh lot of food and milk near where he's hiding, and bring dinner to her. Encourage her to come out to eat, she has a little, wants pats and belly rubs and reassurance. I clean out the trays so everyone has plenty of options without conflict.
Go back to check on him and hey, he's left his hidey spot! Check the bowl, he's gotten up and eaten most of his dinner, didn't touch the milk. I go looking. He's lurking between the bookcases, where I found her this morning, in a tight corner of course. Hissing. So he's feeling pretty normal 😀

Oh he did let me snip the hospital ID collar off him earlier, he wouldn't let the vet do it yesterday but must have been getting sick of it.

So, so far so good. Supervisor still very interested in them.
Taken earlier today. She's happy to come out of her tray when I am there.

Her tail keeps getting longer!
Heard some teeny squeaks; she wanted some company for play time! So I had a play with her and guess who else pops out of his corner and wants to play!

He's hissing and growling at her at present. I told him to knock it off, as they need each other.

Just chucking more toys over there to get them to come out.

Supervisor staring, from a distance.
They're both in a playful mood, but still separate and still hissing at each other. I've told them to sort their shit out by morning.
A dark kitten lays on a chair
A tabby kitten in a darkened laundry
He's just lurked into the laundry where she is...
Nothing happened there. Then he went to explore some tunnels. Supervisor saw him, went over there, they start howling and hissing at each other. He turns, runs, she follows, tail three times normal size. Now they're under furniture, glowering at each other.

Kids these days.
After a night light on sleep for us, and only a few hisses from them, it was morning again. Fed them all and went to the pool filled with trepidation. They were all alone in here....

But all is well, still all in their own spots. When I got back, I went to see him, in the corner. And he just left me pick him up and we sat and patted and cuddled and belly rubbed and he purred! It's been a few weeks since he's let me touch him. 😭 Eventually I took him to his bowl and pointed out his brekky.
I left him there and came back in ten mins and he'd eaten and gone back to the corner. Gave her some cuddles, and my Supervisor. Supervisor decided to ditch us all for Narnia.

So I got him out of the corner for another cuddle then put him in the laundry with his sister to sort out their issues. Because these two need each other, not fighting each other. Let's see if either figure out the cat door...
she's in the litter tray, he's in a box. I just cleaned the other litter tray in there for them and took the hood off the one she's hiding out in. Told them to sort it out, they love each other and need each other.

Shall leave them alone to resolve things.
Sat with them for a while. Poor little boy, he's really been missing attention I think. He just relaxed fully into my lap, half asleep and wanted belly rubs and contact. These two still hissing at each other. But when I pick him up, he's just snuggling in and won't move. 😍
A tabby kitten relaxes in a litter tray she's using as a bed
Nipped out to get a haircut, came back to this.

Gave him some more cuddle time. He's still grumbling at her but it's less, at least when I'm around.
Tabby kitten writhing around in a cat bed with toys.
Had a brainwave, swapped the little cardboard home out with the palace temporarily. She leapt straight into it. Pulled him hissing out of the box and stuck him in on the ground floor and left them to it.

Did just give them dinner, she's eaten a fair amount and drunk lots of milk. He was too busy grumbling. Hopefully now they'll settle down and go back to the usual ways.
Checked on them. She was on top floor, he was on second floor and they were hissing and slapping at each other. So I went out to water the plants, came back and she's still on the top floor, snoozing and he's in loaf position on the ground.

At least most of dinner has been eaten, neither had much to eat yesterday or this morning. Things slowly getting back to normal.

Now to figure out how to use the washing machine tomorrow, and if they'll leave the laundry long enough. That palace moves a lot
Look how comfy they are
A three tiered cat cardboard palace. On the top floor a tabby kitty is snoozing, laying down.

On the bottom floor a dark kitten is resting.
Sleeping tabby kitten
Snoozing dark kitten
Babies are in a frisky mood tonight, full of play. Just not with each other, yet. Still hissing at each other and some growling but it's less, and they're getting closer physically to each other. Hopefully be sorted by morning. My Supervisor got too aggressively close to her and needed to be stopped to avoid terrorising a baby. But so far, things are improving. Lots of toys tossed around, they're exploring the kitchen now, building confidence.
Left to their own devices they are starting to chase each other....it is playtime for them after all.

Now to get them out of this nocturnal timezone.
Babies left me two lovely stink bombs. She waited until I cleaned the tray before depositing hers. Thanks.

Lots of chasing going on, far less hissing. Pair of dingalings.

My Supervisor watches from afar. She knows to behave herself whilst I am up. Hoping she leaves them alone when we go to bed.
Well it was another relatively calm night, only a bit of hissing. The babies are mostly back to normal, with the occasional hiss. She bopped him on the head, he hissed from being startled 😀

Have moved the palace out of the laundry and she's ok with this, and the sounds of the washing machine. They're now chasing each other around. Supervisor has scampered off to Narnia.
Got back from an Aldi run to find her under a table, sleeping, and him snoozing under a rug. Nothing's changed, really.

They're doing pretty well with the noise of the washing machine. All noises are new to to them, so running a microwave or even an egg timer gets startled looks.

My Supervisor has left Narnia and has a case of the sillies. A lot of galloping going on.
Time to turn on the air con. My Supervisor's taken to her cardboard couch and the kittens are flat out under a table.

It's 37 outside and 28 in here.
A white and black cat lays on a cardboard couch
If you build a kitten trap, they will come.
A tabby kitten is in a box as a dark kitten watches
A dark kitten gets into the box
Right now they're sprinting around the kitchen playing with a few of these. It's like cat crack.
A bag of glitter pom poms that cats love to chase
Babies are wanting to explore more.He went into the second bedroom and my Supervisor followed him in to hiss and growl and catch him in there. And sat in the doorway blocking his exit until I stepped in.

Meanwhile little tabby is eating Supervisor's dinner 😀 Cheeky.
9pm and yes it's stinkbomb time again.
Yet again, as soon as I clean it out for him, then she goes in there and kapow.
Another mostly peaceful night. Only a couple things knocked over. They're exploring further afield now, someone's been up on the kitchen table, plucking fake flowers out of the vase.

Lots of playfulness this morning, under the watchful eye of my Supervisor who sits at the other end.
My Supervisor is in a silly mood. Now she needs to bring this to the babies.
A black cat tail pokes out from under a pile of paper on a grey rug. A cat is being silly under there.
Well! My Supervisor started heading towards the kittens so I thought I'd just wait and see what happens.....silence. I go look, she's on a cat bed 1m away from tabby kitten, both snoozing. No hissing, no growling. Could a corner be turned? I hope so...
A tabby kitten sleeps under a table and a white and black cat sleeps on a cat bed nearby
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (2 Wochen her)
We are now in the chase each other around and gallop portion of the evening. Before the stinkbombs go off....
Kittens are too busy chasing each other. You know this means they're going to stinkbomb me in the night. 😬
Strangely, no stinkbomb? I just went to the pool, got back to find everyone had eaten most of their brekky. And a litter tray hood was askew. I suspect my Supervisor was involved, she's still grumbling and hissing. Kittens appear unharmed.
Found these two earlier like this
A dark kitten and a tabby kitten are cuddling under a table
It is chase each other around and brawl time

Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (2 Wochen her)
They like this game on my phone so I stick it on a tablet, thinking a bigger screen is better, right? Nope.
Another quiet night, kittens played for a while, my Supervisor stayed on my bed with me. Left them for an hour this morning whilst I was out walking and everyone's unscathed. Supervisor has lunged at the kittens a couple times but they're too quick for her. Hoping this is all for show, so far no all out brawls.
I was playing with the kittens when Supervisor decided to come over and see what was going on. Cue lots of staring.
Black kitten playing with some paper and a sparkle ball
A white and black cat sitting in her cardboard cat palace
A dark kitten lays on a chair, and a tabby kitten lays on the floor, both staring at a cat off camera.
Kittens are galloping around chasing each other. He managed to stinkbomb me mid afternoon, quite impressive stench.

Tonight they've been to the loo, one after the other, and no stinkbomb. Maybe they can only let one off once a day.

Yesterday he went to one tray, pooped, so she went to another, pooped. Then she went to his tray, peed in there and sorted out the litter and buried it all. Then he went back and reburied it all.

There's some weird system going on and I don't know the rules.
Dammit. They have summoned another stinkbomb!
Supervisor was lurking around furniture last night and I heard her go off her nut at the babies. No idea what happened as I couldn't see but she got yelled at for being so rude and sent to the bedroom to chill out.

Quiet night, she slept on me all night long and the kittens settled down not long after we went to bed. They were up when I woke this morning. We've had playtime since I got back from the pool and now they're all sleepy.

Food consumptions getting back to usual levels.
The kittens are getting braver and more adventurous. Are now sussing out Supervisor's stuff and the rest of the place.

Supervisor is on the couch, I am awaiting fireworks.
A tabby kitten and a dark kitten investigate a rug with cat toys and paper on it.
So he goes into the bedroom where Supervisor is on the couch, and has a perve around. She follows. I watch from afar. Eventually they go to check out the couch and that's a bridge too far, Supervisor gets mad, babies retreat.

They're still checking out stuff though, being curious kittens.
Supervisor has decided going to sleep next to me, on my desk, is a good kitten free spot.

Kittens are now off having a post dinner/exploration snooze.
They seem to enjoy lounging about on chairs.
A dark kitten on a green seat
A tabby kitten on a grey seat
Slowly exploring further and further, and finding more comfy spots for sleeping on.
A tabby kitten and a dark kitten laying on  a snuggle beside some cat tunnels
My supervisor is comfy and not stressing about the babies taking one of her beds
A white and black cat lays on a shopping bag, on some paper, on a grey rug.
Babies came to check out her rug, and the box in that photo. Supervisor dove over and went to hit little tabby, got yelled at. This will take some time.
There is a bug in here. The mighty hunter watches her prey.
A tabby kitten stares upwards as a dark kitten walks by
I've been for a walk, patted all the doggies at the park. Got home and sat with the babies. Supervisor came over to sit and watch them as well. So far all calm. Everyone moving very slowly and carefully.
A white and black cat lays on the floor and looks at a tabby kitten 1m away
It's rather windy out which may be contributing to the mad chasing and galloping going on here. Supervisor has decided laying on the desk with me is best whilst those two wear each other out.
So I sit for a minute to say hello and tabby then decides she needs to lay on me for a while. Meanwhile her brother is pooped and needs some sleep in the palace.
A dark kitten is sprawled out in a cardboard palace
Post dinner, she was on my lap for cuddles then decided her brother needed her to lay on his head.
A tabby kitten half lays on top of a dark kitten, in a grey chair. Then proceeds to wash herself.