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Germany is a parody of Germany, part 2
Hebh Jamal @hebh_jamal.h
Just wow.
2 minutes ago
The German police provided the
addresses of Palestinian activists
in Berlin to Zionist media outlets
like BZ (Axel Springer), which are
now harassing them and their
families at their homes.
They also broke into a
Palestinian's apartment, changed
the locks, and prevented the
individual from accessing their
own home.
This is authoritarianism in
Germany, straight out of the
history books.
17 3.9K
Ill 176K
James Jackson
@derJamesJackson • 3h
"Because they are suspected of having committed
pro-Palestinian-motivated crimes, our colleagues have
been searching the home addresses of five suspected
men in Berlin since 6 a.m. today."
Polizei Berlin
@polizeiberlin • 13h
Weil sie im Verdacht stehen, propalästinensisch
motivierte Straftaten begangen zu haben,
durchsuchen unsere Kolleg, heute seit 6 Uhr die
Wohnanschriften von 5 tatverdächtigen Männern
in Berlin....
Show more
thi 53K
James Jackson
125 police were deployed for these.
One of these arrests was related to throwing a
microphone stand at Senator Joe Chialo, another was
for posting "from the river to the sea" on social media
with a post that "explicitly calls for the destruction of
Israel" (unclear what that means).
Another was part of a protest where objects were set
on fire, and another apparently called for the return of
Hitler and a new Holocaust.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (5 Monate her)
Germany is a parody of Germany, part 4

This is a ‘Green’ politician. Germany’s foreign minister. Granddaughter of a literal Nazi.

Openly justifying the Israeli bombing of schools in Gaza.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (5 Monate her)
#Germany is a parody of Germany, part 6
Hanno Hauenstein
Germany is pushing a parliamentary
resolution linking residency guarantees,
asylum and public funding for arts and
science to a loyalty oath to a state
currently facing genocide charges at the
International Court of Justice. This
deserves international attention.
® Hanno Hauenstein @hahauenstein • 1d
Die Verknüpfung von Zugehörigkeits-,
Aufenthalts- und Fördergarantien an ein
Bekenntnis zu einem Staat, der sich
derzeit vor Internationalem Gerichtshof
wegen des Vorwurfs des Völkermords v...
09:43 • 02/11/2024 • 86K Views
1) 960
• 1.7K

2 Personen haben dies geteilt

Just to add to the above #Germany

I swear I’m not making this up
James Jackson &
He is also literally a member of the Teutonic Order
Deutscher Orden
Pray with us
Confrater Uwe Becker in the new Hessian state government
Ballei Germany - January 18, 2024
#Germany is a parody of Germany, part 8

AfD’s Beatrix von Storch thanks the Greens for adopting the AfD’s positions on “imported Muslim antisemitism” in the new antisemitism resolution set to be passed with AfD support

Bcs if there's one thing that Germany never had before those Muslims arrived, it's antisemitism
#Germany is a parody of Germany, part 9

Editor-in-chief of Welt basically saying that Muslims in Germany are a threat to free societies. “Barbarians who chant Free Palestine”

A reminder that the overwhelming majority of antisemitic attacks in Germany come from the white German far right, people who look like him

#Germany is a parody of Germany, part 10

Absolutely wild. Have these people ever met Jewish anarchists? Coz I have bad news for y’all. Jewish anarchists introduced me to a very Jewish type of anti-Zionism.
James Jackson v
@derJamesJackson • 13h
This was hung up at Germany's most famous anarchist squat, Rote
Flora in Hamburg
ill 245
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (3 Monate her)
I tried
as a Jewish anarchist, you’re 100% on the money
and these supposed left-wingers dare try to say "We don't support the actions of the Israeli government" but raise banners like these???? Their website statement read like a cruel joke.
These people aren't anarchists. Only a lunatic could be Zionist and anarchist at the same time. They used to call themselves #Antideutsche (Anti-Germans). They identify with Zionism and they think like Zionists, projecting their Islamophobia and their extinctionist fantasies to the Palestinians. One of their founding figures, Jürgen Elsässer, is now a professing member of the German far right. Others are holding prominent positions in Israeli lobbying organizations in Germany.
"Our way of life" = systemic racism without consequences.

These racist white Christian Germans don't even notice that they are using the exact same rhetoric of the Nazis from 100 years ago against the Jews, just this time it's against Muslims and Arabs.
And she is absolutely correct. The German parliament had already passed a similar "BDS resolution" in 2019, which had only been introduced by all the mainstream parties to not be publicly squeezed as "antisemites" by a draft that AfD had introduced as a draft to the parliament before. That AfD draft was quite literally the same, the parliament just didn't want to pass a AfD resolution so they recycled it as their own. It's so pathetic.

Inhaltswarnung: Deutschland politics, antisemitism