Much of what is commonly said about #email and #openpgp is wrong. It can very well be fast and secure and that's a claim backed by working code and deployments and audits (#chatmail servers and the #deltachat family of apps). There is no both-sides-have-opinions game to be played here. Internet-scale messaging alternatives are arguably either centralized or brittle. There is however much room for further improvements including deep changes in how we commonly understand email today. Stay tuned :)
Piratenpartei Leipziger Umland hat dies geteilt
Jonathan Lamothe •
Still it's better than nothing.
Delta Chat •
Delta Chat: FAQ
delta.chatMartin Schmitt #NochNieCDU •
Jonathan Lamothe •
Delta Chat •
Schneckbert 🐌 •
Delta Chat •
Daniel Gultsch •
Yes there are clients that don’t have OMEMO but I don’t think they are responsible for a lot of the traffic.
Delta Chat •
Daniel Gultsch •
Things that have existed and evolved for 25 years are brittle.
The question is do you look at the 2-3 clients we actually recommend or everything under the sun that calls itself #XMPP.
I’m not holding Delta Chat responsible for mutt+gnupg even though it would probably be somewhat compatible.
Daniel Gultsch •
The OpenPGP spec or even the libraries aren’t the problem. It’s just bad clients that treat E2EE as an afterthought.
Delta Chat •
Wiktor Kwapisiewicz •
Although for would probably be easier to integrate (not to mention Paul is already deeply integrated in similar circles 😉).
Arch Linux / signstar · GitLab
GitLabDelta Chat •
ejim •
Delta Chat •
Post-Quantum Cryptography in OpenPGP
IETF Datatrackervanitasvitae •
Post-Quantum Cryptography in OpenPGP
www.ietf.orgDelta Chat •
Heiko •