Rizvi speaks of morale broken by Pezzullo’s authoritarian leadership. “The message was clear. He dressed a lot of people up in very dark uniforms. He introduced guns. And having done all of that, it led to a massive exodus of senior staff from the department.”
The hard edge was the perfect fit for both Dutton and Pezzullo. According to the last Coalition home affairs minister, Karen Andrews, Pezzullo ran the department with an “iron fist” for six year
Dutton and Pezzullo - a lethal combination for a vast and authoritarian department.
Rizvi speaks of morale broken by Pezzullo’s authoritarian leadership. “The message was clear. He dressed a lot of people up in very dark uniforms. He introduced guns. And having done all of that, it led to a massive exodus of senior staff from the department.”
The hard edge was the perfect fit for both Dutton and Pezzullo. According to the last Coalition home affairs minister, Karen Andrews, Pezzullo ran the department with an “iron fist” for six year
Dutton and Pezzullo - a lethal combination for a vast and authoritarian department.
What is happening in Home Affairs following Mike Pezzullo’s departure
As the opposition homes in on Andrew Giles in the hope of claiming its first scalp of the Albanese government, work is afoot to fix dysfunction within Immigration and the sprawling Home Affairs portfolio.Karen Barlow (The Saturday Paper)
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