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This report is fucked. There is NO criticism warranted of VZ, so why has #ABC "North America correspondent Carrington Clarke in Washington DC" made multiple statements implying fault by him. Why has he not simply excoriated the pair of #magamorons? Where has the obligation for facts & truth gone? With such an arseholic fascist regime, indulging in #bothsideism is highly irresponsible.

#TuckFrump #AusPol #USPol #VolodymyrZelenskyy
Gack. He's a narrow-nose, like Jennett. Same sniffy look, like their BO is off the charts. What a tool. Does he think he's safe from censure?
i've seen the same cowardice from his colleague Barbara Miller, who called Musk's nazi salute 'an awkward arm gesture'. I presume they're bothsidsing/self-censoring because they, or their managers, think they might lose their accreditation if they don't. It's pretty pathetic and I've sent them feedback saying that