A second German citizen (travelling as a tourist) has been arrested at the US border and is being detained for deportation.
I definitely won't be travelling to the US any time soon, *especially* for science events. It's too easy to end up causing misunderstandings at the border (Are you there to work? Does the agent think you may want to stay?), and the agents have apparently been instructed to be even more suspicious and "crack down" on cases at will. #science #academicChatter #scienceAtRisk #usTravel
(article in German)
I definitely won't be travelling to the US any time soon, *especially* for science events. It's too easy to end up causing misunderstandings at the border (Are you there to work? Does the agent think you may want to stay?), and the agents have apparently been instructed to be even more suspicious and "crack down" on cases at will. #science #academicChatter #scienceAtRisk #usTravel
(article in German)
USA Einreise: Zweiter deutscher Tourist in US-Abschiebehaft
Lucas Sielaff wollte mit einer Esta-Einreisebewilligung über Mexiko in die USA einreisen – nun befindet er sich in Abschiebehaft. Es ist der zweite Fall innert kurzer Zeit. Seine Verlobte warnt vor Reisen in die USA.Celina Euchner (Tamedia AG)
Anne Roth hat dies geteilt