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The #fediverse shows that we can build a better world by ignoring clickbait, billionaires, venture capital and the growth mantra. Decentralisation leads to a better world. When you care about your neighbours, things change. I am tipsy, but I believe we are building better things, the Open (Source) Way. It'll take time. Patience and stoicism will win. There's a book hiding here, but I won''t write it. I'll continue to do. When enough people do, we win. Thanks for listening!
Caring about your neighbours is not geographically limited anymore, thanks to the Internet. You can find and build Communites of Practice (it's a scientific term, look it up!) and act glocally. Taking local ideas to a global audience and implementing global ideas in your local community. People will win. Good night :)
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Monat her)
The only real, big problem keeping us from progressing is ego. People WILL fail. No one is perfect. So don't take yourself serious. Don't follow heroes. Or try to be one. Ideas are bigger than people, that's my mantra. Share ideas. Set them free. Let your ideas travel and find new friends. Take. Your ego. Out. Of The Equation. That's the true Open (Source) way, IMHO.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Monat her)
yes to euphoric and coherent tipsy threads! Big Decentralization Energy 🖤