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People who (hiiiii :ablobwave: ) obsessively track their postal deliveries know that there are certain sorting centers where packages that enter become doomed to inexplicable delays.

I’m sure you think, like we did, that it’s due to overload, or understaffing or failing machinery.

Nope; at last month’s Urban Exploration Fans Meetup we resolved to find out.

Well. Can’t say it was high on our list of guesses, but the post office is infested with dragons.

#Tootfic #MicroFiction #PowerOnStoryToot
The oldest and fattest dragons become excessively jealous of their hoards, and appreciative of all the soft bubble wrap in modern parcels. It’s all the postal staff can manage to hook out a few parcels each time the dragon’s attention wanders.

Take solace, perhaps, that your delayed parcel is making a venerable dragon comfortable in their latter years.

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