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What's truly contemptible about Australia's leaders is we know - everyone knows - they privately use expletives like 'Fuckwit,' 'Idiot' and 'Shitcunt' to describe Trump and Musk, while publicly mouthing pleasantries and platitudes.

True cowards. And fuckwits, idiots and shitcunts by proxy.

#auspol #uspol
Dutton doesnt.
He salivates.
Dutton's one of those self-interested fuckwits whose ethos is based on a 1950s English history book full of righteous old men protecting the women they own and the natives they civilised.

He's a nothing, a dance puppet dance, and dangerous for it.

It also looked as. Though he was acting as Paterson's glove puppet today. @PetraPanda
this may surprise you, and my followers, but I disagree.
I want my government to be diplomatic, even when they know who they're dealing with are fuckwits.
Neville Chamberlain was diplomatic.
yes, fair call, but in the end his policy was appeasement which is different
'I also strongly believe that the Gaza Strip, which has been a symbol of death and destruction for so many decades and so bad for the people anywhere near it, and especially those who live there and frankly who’s been really very unlucky. It’s been very unlucky. It’s been an unlucky place for a long time.

'Being in its presence just has not been good and it should not go through a process of rebuilding and occupation by the same people that have really stood there and fought for it and lived there and died there and lived a miserable existence there.

'Instead, we should go to other countries of interest with humanitarian hearts, and there are many of them that want to do this and build various domains that will ultimately be occupied by the 1.8 million Palestinians living in Gaza, ending the death and destruction and frankly bad luck.'


I can’t think of anyone else who could describe the situation so eloquently.