I keep encountering people defending the use of the word 'disorder' for autism, but none of them have given me a satisfactory answer to the obvious question: By what definition is autism a disorder?
@fergus.oolong.co.uk I have seen 'syndrome' used, too. Disorder is actually a better term than others. Less pathologising, imo. We are not ordinary. Our brains are wired differently to so-called norms. We need to explore those differences, and dispel the myths around them. #ActuallyAutisticElder
I've seen Condition, which I prefer as it feels the most neutral of the choices. Thus allowing people to decide if they have a disability, or superpower or both (spiky profiles am-I-rite) as they choose. @fergus.oolong.co.uk
I suppose it depends on the interpretation of 'condition'. Truly, we autists should be free to embrace terminology, or reject it. #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs @fergus.oolong.co.uk
Hugs4friends ♾🇺🇦 🇵🇸😷 •
We need to explore those differences, and dispel the myths around them. #ActuallyAutisticElder
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Hugs4friends ♾🇺🇦 🇵🇸😷 •