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Beiträge, die mit actuallyautisticelder getaggt sind

Hello. I am an #ActuallyAutisticElder self-realised in 2022. I am 71 this year, and my siblings are sceptical. I have had almost 6 decades to mask my Autism, so it isn't surprising that they don't believe me. @actuallyautistic is a welcoming place
You can use #AskingAutistics or just the #ActuallyAutistic tag to find us.

@fergus.oolong.co.uk I have seen 'syndrome' used, too. Disorder is actually a better term than others. Less pathologising, imo. We are not ordinary. Our brains are wired differently to so-called norms.
We need to explore those differences, and dispel the myths around them. #ActuallyAutisticElder

Actually, I am an ally to all who are bullied, whatever their vulnerability. I am an #ActuallyAutisticElder who has been staunchly anti-bully all my life...no doubt partly because of being bullied. #TransRightsAreHumanRights

In that the internet, and social media in particular, facilitated the coming together of #ActuallyAutistic people, both officially diagnosed, and self-diagnosed, it could be described as an internet phenomenon. Not a huge number of people claiming autism to be 'interesting' or to excuse bad behaviour - that claim comes from TERFs, and Ableists.
ADHD, ADD, & Bipolar, are far more acceptable, because they can be treated with drugs. Neurodivergence in the form of Aspergers, is acceptable to Allists because of their prejudices.
Self-realisation harms no-one. Denial of one's differing needs harms the autist.
These are my opinions, garnered from research, and our Autistic Community here on Mastodon. I am a self-realised #ActuallyAutisticElder

I wouldn't say that the majority are non verbal. That is a generalisation in the opposite direction, in my opinion. Can I ask what you mean by years of intervention? #ActuallyAutisticElder @theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic