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I’ve already gotten rid of most of my US company subscriptions and services. Working out how to get rid of the rest in the coming weeks. Tiny drops add up to a mighty storm. #USPol #Protest
I have no streaming services & I’d like to delete my Amazon account, but I’ll lose all my online books that I haven’t read yet. So I’m just refusing to buy anything from them. I will not buy anything from the US if I can help it. Only small stuff but better than nothing.
I eschewed Amazon right from the start, coz i could see it was an unethical company, which has only deteriorated since. I abandoned Netflix years ago. I have/use no other Merkan services, & buy no Merkan products, except one, which when i do my online groceries shopping today i shall be unfav'ing, & finding an alternative.


Fuck RWNJ magamoron Merka!
