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Yeah, note that when the term "welfare queen" first came out the most extreme welfare queen was a literal queen: the Queen of England. So it is with the rest of the wealthy: always gobbling down every handout they can get.

Why on Earth do hugely rich oil and gas barons who sell their products as high as they can need fucking subsidies? Even under pure capitalist economics they are considered entities entirely capable of standing on their own feet, needing zero public assistance. They are not threatened domestic industries or renewable energy startups being carefully watered and fertilized to keep them going or get them going in hope of huge economic or social returns later.

Some years back, Wal-Mart taught store managers how to walk employees through applying for food stamps etc so they could be paid less and still make it back to work. This was called "harvesting all available public benefits." It's not Wal-Mart's workers who are mooches, it's WAL-MART.
"Homeless children upon our streets don't think that tax cuts are as important as a roof over their head, food, or treatment for that hideous infection.

But the rich keep insisting that multiple yachts and mansions are all that matter.

And they have millions to bribe our politicians.

While homeless children only have their spilled blood, which is quickly cleaned upon any occasion."