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BBC News: Why don't Europeans buy more American cars? - BBC News

tl;dr - they're a bit shit, they're not economical, and they're too big to drive on smaller European city streets and lanes.

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Because they're over sized, gas guzzling monsters, designed for the country they are built in...and not practical for European or UK roads, which are narrower, by design.
I see some of these monsters on the street. They're awful and should just be banned entirely from the EU, imho. They aren't safe for anyone, inside or outside.
I can’t speak for #eu countries, but here in #japan , there is no effort to sell them. No ads or dealers. Plus even smaller size US cars are too big for most roads and parking lots.

However, there is a lot of effort from European and Chinese automakers to sell here. I.e. Ads and dealers.

Methinks it’s just another case of #US whining, which we’ve developed into an art form

#nazi #vehicle #empire #whine #baby #boycottusa
we knew this 25 years ago