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Inside the hands-on lab of an experimental archaeologist. Beyond flint-knapping and tossing spears with atlatls, Kent State University's Metin Eren has a vision for his field's future. https://arstechnica.com/science/2025/01/inside-the-hands-on-lab-of-an-experimental-archaeologist/
@JenLucPiquant@universeodon. con I bet he’d be amazingly fun as a prof. Pop taught us how to flint knap as kids when he took us out hunting for fossils at Fossil Bluff & we’d also pick up any pretty bits of petrified wood or agate. I like how Eren understood that music is one of the crucial elements of societal development. All cohesive activities are. It’s why the dead eyes in the proliferation of AI art in advertising make me worry for what will be a generation raised with that as the norm #AI