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Nov 29
March for liberation in Liberation City
Fr 15:30
Todon Acties
International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People in Liberation City

Where? Wageningen Campus - Forum (big red square building) 🌉

When? 29th of November🇵🇸

Start of speeches? 15.30 📢

Start of march? 16.30 ✊

Wageningen is home to the longest standing encampment of the Dutch Student Intifada. we have secured our place on campus for over 6 months. Sadly, not a single university in the Netherlands has cut its ties with Israel so far.

For the international day of solidarity with the Palestinian people and in the face of intensification of the repression of our movement, it is time to come together and march to the national symbol for liberation: the 5th May Square in Wageningen.

Join the protest and let Wageningen spread the fire of liberation!

Wageningen Encampment (source)