Did you know that #deltachat literally shares cryptographic implementation code with #signal ? Both delta and signal use the ed25519-dalek crate ... Most messengers by now moved their cryptography to #rustlang . We did that in 2019. But in delta also all networking and message formats is implemented in Rust where other messengers (including signal) have a lot of platform specific code still.
Tobias Bernard •
🤸♀️ Ada ⅗ 🤼♀️ •
I guess you've heard about Meredith Whittaker's/Signal foundation's position about the Swedish law project or the french one on "narcotrafficking"?
What about client-side/homomorphic encryption scanning features? Any word on those?
Asking because seeing more and more ppl here panicking about figuring out which alternative to jump on. But AFAIK the danger is broader than the sole apps in themselves. No?
mountain •
Signal is great but the threat model is different due to the centralized service. Would still be good to hear a plan from the Delta Chat team. I think the bigger risk for them is a government attempting to compel an individual dev into adding a bugdoor.
Delta Chat •
🤸♀️ Ada ⅗ 🤼♀️ •
@mntn @rpgp
mountain •
Delta Chat •
🤸♀️ Ada ⅗ 🤼♀️ •
But if Android ever comes up with an actual built-in, system-wide scanning feature, it would be another story. And maybe forked versions could get rid of it but that'd obviously compromise the privacy for most users and therefore affect trust in whatever encryption.
@mntn @rpgp
Delta Chat •
Michel Sardon 🎸 •
/ping @simplex