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Beiträge, die mit CounterCulture getaggt sind

At one time #CounterCulture lured #Owsley's UCB Organic Chemistry major GF to make the world's best 'outlaw' #LSD, but in the 21st Century...

"Mexican Cartels Lure Chemistry Students to Make #Fentanyl", NYTimes, above the fold.

Cite on GF from someone who knew them. "March 15 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Owsley, The Man Who 'Changed The Minds' Of An Entire Generation... Literally... Passes" https://archive.org/details/tth_110315/

Somehow I doubt the people you're complaining about have sunk to the level of applying labels like "extremist" to you.

The appeal to be "constructive" in this context means what? It means "give me assistance and lively chitchat for mega-billionaire services that have left me cold." I say go ask the billionaire for help.


Shouting and insisting on "positivity" is toxic. Its what tyrants demand after they've seized control. Remember that the next time you read about Google "sharing" (ratting-out) tracking data about women's, LGBT and immigrant web use with the police.

#toxicpositivity #gowiththeflow #bigtech #counterculture #foss #surveillance #oligarchs