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Beiträge, die mit Fentanyl getaggt sind

if #fentanyl is produced in #China and imported (as Trump claims)
through #Mexico and #Canada
Why in China and in Mexico and in Canada
(who obviously swim in Fentanyl) there is NO
avalanche of Fentanyl overdoses ?
why only in America ?
If there are 'consumers'... there are sellers.
So the 'problem' is in the #USA which 'buys and consumes'
without demand there is NO supply.

At one time #CounterCulture lured #Owsley's UCB Organic Chemistry major GF to make the world's best 'outlaw' #LSD, but in the 21st Century...

"Mexican Cartels Lure Chemistry Students to Make #Fentanyl", NYTimes, above the fold.

Cite on GF from someone who knew them. "March 15 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Owsley, The Man Who 'Changed The Minds' Of An Entire Generation... Literally... Passes" https://archive.org/details/tth_110315/

Oh-so-#ProgLibs... NOT! Never was. KKKalifornia was ALWAYS redneck and in proglib strongholds CRYPTORedneck

"The outcomes of Tuesday’s election suggest that voters in blue #California, known as a liberal bastion, want to be tougher on crime. California voters also passed a measure to make #shoplifting a felony for repeat offenders and make #fentanyl possession a felony as well."
California May Have Voted to Keep #Slavery in #Prisons