Beiträge, die mit Fentanyl getaggt sind
if #fentanyl is produced in #China and imported (as Trump claims)
through #Mexico and #Canada
Why in China and in Mexico and in Canada
(who obviously swim in Fentanyl) there is NO
avalanche of Fentanyl overdoses ?
why only in America ?
If there are 'consumers'... there are sellers.
So the 'problem' is in the #USA which 'buys and consumes'
without demand there is NO supply.
if #fentanyl is produced in #China and imported (as Trump claims)
through #Mexico and #Canada
Why in China and in Mexico and in Canada
(who obviously swim in Fentanyl) there is NO
avalanche of Fentanyl overdoses ?
why only in America ?
If there are 'consumers'... there are sellers.
So the 'problem' is in the #USA which 'buys and consumes'
without demand there is NO supply.
At one time #CounterCulture lured #Owsley's UCB Organic Chemistry major GF to make the world's best 'outlaw' #LSD, but in the 21st Century...
"Mexican Cartels Lure Chemistry Students to Make #Fentanyl", NYTimes, above the fold.
Cite on GF from someone who knew them. "March 15 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Owsley, The Man Who 'Changed The Minds' Of An Entire Generation... Literally... Passes"
"Mexican Cartels Lure Chemistry Students to Make #Fentanyl", NYTimes, above the fold.
Cite on GF from someone who knew them. "March 15 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Owsley, The Man Who 'Changed The Minds' Of An Entire Generation... Literally... Passes"
March 15 2011 Travus T. Hipp Morning News & Commentary: Owsley, The Man Who 'Changed The Minds' Of An Entire Generation... Literally... Passes : Travus T. Hipp - Cabale News Service : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
In The News: Thanks this morning to ChrisM, my MP3Angel, for supplying the news and commentary audio files. [After the commentary, an 'Easy Wind' blows 'cross...Internet Archive
Mexican Cartels Lure Chemistry Students to Make Fentanyl #LopezObrador,AndresManuel #OpioidsandOpiates #Biden,JosephRJr #Sinaloa(Mexico) #SinaloaCartel #Trump,DonaldJ #DrugCartels #Chemistry #Fentanyl #Mexico
Oh-so-#ProgLibs... NOT! Never was. KKKalifornia was ALWAYS redneck and in proglib strongholds CRYPTORedneck
"The outcomes of Tuesday’s election suggest that voters in blue #California, known as a liberal bastion, want to be tougher on crime. California voters also passed a measure to make #shoplifting a felony for repeat offenders and make #fentanyl possession a felony as well."
California May Have Voted to Keep #Slavery in #Prisons
"The outcomes of Tuesday’s election suggest that voters in blue #California, known as a liberal bastion, want to be tougher on crime. California voters also passed a measure to make #shoplifting a felony for repeat offenders and make #fentanyl possession a felony as well."
California May Have Voted to Keep #Slavery in #Prisons
California May Have Voted to Keep Slavery in Prisons
Prisoners in California will still be forced to fight wildfires and make furniture for minimal pay, as voters appear to have rejected Proposition 6.Naomi LaChance (Rolling Stone)