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Beiträge, die mit DomesticSurveillance getaggt sind

The #EFF has released its Atlas of #Surveillance, which documents #policesurveillance technology across the US.
"Documenting #Police Tech in Our Communities with Open Source Research. Search our database of police tech — enter a city, county, state or agency in the United States." https://atlasofsurveillance.org/ #DomesticSpying #DomesticSurveillance #ACAB
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Noted I had to login to #Feedly app today. I think the reson why is I was 'verified by #Cloudflare' ... meaning cloudflare will get to check out my reading habits, because they cache EVERYTHING, and have been known to have roots as a fed honeypot. During this congressional hearing https://docs.house.gov/meetings/FA/FA18/20150127/102855/HHRG-114-FA18-Transcript-20150127.pdf it was pointed out by other 'services' like cloudflare, that it hosted islamist chat rooms with apparent impunity...

A LOT more, at my tumblr tag https://auntieimperial.tumblr.com/tagged/cloudflare #DomesticSurveillance

"If you’re a #socialmedia user who’s expressed anything other than condemnation for the murder of #UnitedHealthcare CEO #BrianThompson, #counterterrorism authorities might consider you an “extremist.” That’s according to yet another document the media refuses to publish in full. In the holiday spirit of generosity, we’ve included a copy below..."

Read the #NYPD’s Mangione report the #MSM media won't publish
https://www.kenklippenstein.com/p/post-luigi-the-extremist-threat-is #LuigjMangjone #Censorship #domesticsurveillance