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Beiträge, die mit Metaverse getaggt sind

Peak Capitalism: burning carbon to generate fake avatars to drive engagement to keep people on a platform, to view more ads to scrounge more revenue.

The more we choose to engage with the #Metaverse, the less capable we are of reckoning with our own human, messy, analogue reality.



The Volumetric Town Hall is an outstanding success. The agenda was packed full of great presentations over four hours. The recording is now available with chapters for easy navigation. Check it out here: https://youtu.be/g1gCvoIAlg8
#metaverse #volumetric #media

We are seeking to gather insights into how volumetric media is being used today and the key factors influencing growth. Your input will help us better understand where interoperability is needed within the ecosystem.

Take the survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSezUk0PONBTbYV7V--9xQzhNLoic4hYpgTZkafRmDgpNyxg0A/viewform
#volumetric #media #metaverse