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Beiträge, die mit Nazismo getaggt sind

The conference "The Press and the Holocaust" that aims to contribute to a more comprehensive and all-encompassing understanding of the Holocaust by discussing how the European press covered nazi anti-Semitism and the Holocaust, begins tomorrow.

ℹ️ https://ihc.fcsh.unl.pt/en/events/press-holocaust-2024/


#Histodons #Holocaust #Press #WorldWarII #EuropeanPress #AntiSemitism #Nazism #Imprensa #Holocausto #AntiSemitismo #Nazismo #NeverForget #NuncaEsquecer
Poster for the conference “The Press and the Holocaust”. 21 and 22 November 2024, Auditorium A2, Tower A, Nova School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Lisbon. The background of the poster are a collage of contemporaneous news about the massacre of civilians and jews by the nazis, only partially visible. Title 1: “New Nazi atrocity camp is found by US Troops”. Title 2: “Murdered internees in Nazi camp”. Title 3: “Say 500000 persons put to death in concentration camp”. Title 4: “Nazis massacred 95567 civilians, Russia claims”.