Beiträge, die mit NoPasarán getaggt sind
The right-wing roasters are out from under their rocks this morning given the Scottish Government's intention to abolish Westminster's two-child cap and its demeaning repugnant 'rape clause' in #Scotland.
Racists. Islamophobes. Sour-faced bigots. Sectarian dinosaurs flaunting their 'aryan' credentials. They're all there, just under the surface.
Racists. Islamophobes. Sour-faced bigots. Sectarian dinosaurs flaunting their 'aryan' credentials. They're all there, just under the surface.
The big bad wolf must be opposed, not appeased
WHO’S afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?Lesley Riddoch (The National)
Cualquier derecho conquistado puede desaparecer.
La extrema derecha mundial utiliza el Senado para atacar al aborto, al colectivo LGTBI o la ciencia: "Estamos ganando"
La Cámara Alta ha acogido con el visto bueno del PP la cumbre de la Red Política de Valores, en la que se han dado cita representantes del discurso reaccionario a nivel internacional y han compartido ideas y estrategias para recortar derechos y polít…Marta Borraz (
"North Ayrshire's Conservative group has been rocked by the shock news that two councillors have jumped ship to join controversial rival party Reform UK."
- It's starting.
- It's starting.
Two North Ayrshire councillors defect to Reform UK
NORTH Ayrshire's Conservative group has been rocked by the shock news that two councillors have jumped ship to join controversial rival party…Stewart McConnell, Local Democracy Reporter (The National)
Anybody who wants to see what would happen if Farage and his happy band of swivel-eyed Anglo-British fascist racists won power anywhere here need only look to the Valencia autonomous region of Spain, hammered by flash floods, disastrous climate change and climate denying corrupt clowns in the Partido Popular and the neo-falangist VOX party.
When the extreme right is in power, chaos reigns. Meanwhile Trump's limbering up to unleash Project 2025....
#FarageBalloon #NoPasarán #Brexshitania
When the extreme right is in power, chaos reigns. Meanwhile Trump's limbering up to unleash Project 2025....
#FarageBalloon #NoPasarán #Brexshitania