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Beiträge, die mit QLDPol getaggt sind

David Crisafulli much better now on his disaster responses. Qld Premier is not an easy job, whichever party. He is looking fatigued, he can't do this alone. Annastacia Palaszczuk had Jackie Trad & Steven Miles. Jenny McAllister & Albo have been alongside him but where's Jarrod Bleijie?? #qldpol

3rd teen in Cairns home invasion charged with 13 offences including 5 rape counts, 2 armed robbery & deprivation of liberty. He's appearing in Innisfail Children's Court today. David Crisafulli did not include rape in his youth justice changes. #qldpol

Three more teens in Cairns this morning undeterred by David Crisafulli's youth justice legislation & slogan. Two are in police custody after a home invasion and sexual assault of a woman. #qldpol https://www.abc.net.au/news/2025-02-21/woman-allegedly-sexually-assaulted-in-cairns-home/104964622

Jackie Trad was cleared by the Qld CCC on this many years ago. There's no evidence to support the claims. She has not been a member of parliament since 2020. Lord Pocketsquare & Newman cost taxpayer's money in a defo settlement when in government. #qldpol https://www.9news.com.au/videos/national/fallout-continues-for-former-queensland-deputy-premier-after-ccc-report/cm7d2cp1j00060gmp7bt0a57u

Three teens undeterred by David Crisafulli's youth legislation changes. One caught & has since been released on bail with the victim reciting the LNP's four-word slogan in response. Gone now from Queensland screens are the "Youth Crime Crisis" headlines of the past. #qldpol

David Crisafulli gave himself a tick for health but unsurprisingly nothing has changed. His online health doesn't reflect reality with ambulances still ramping. A patient that has seen a nurse or paramedic but is waiting for the doctor is no longer considered "waiting". #qldpol

The alternative route linking north & south Queensland to the Bruce Hwy involves traversing the inland roads of Gregory Developmental Road, Gregory Highway, Dawson Highway & Carnarvon Highway. Upgrading these is another enormous project alongside the Bruce. #qldpol

David Crisafulli has toured Halifax with Peter Dutton. However, other places that didn't come under the black zone listing & were severely impacted by rainfall & flooding are ineligible for assistance. A Qld Premier's top job after a disaster is resolving these these sorts of issues. #qldpol

Hoods make it impossible to tell the ages of the group members but David Crisafulli's youth crime flying squad has been deployed. The gang seems undeterred since he passed his slogan legislation. #qldpol

On this day 10 years ago Annastacia Palaszczuk was sworn in as Queensland's 39th premier. Fearing defeat if the LNP waited longer, Newman called a snap-election for January 31, 2015. It took two weeks to confirm the count for Labor. She is Qld's fifth longest serving. #qldpol

With a flood/cyclone in North Qld comes the obligatory call for the Bradfield scheme. Bob Katter was loud during the joint presser last week & on the party website. LNP made it a 2020 election commitment but the 2022 CSIRO report shows it won't work. #qldpol

David Fully-Costed has handed in his 100day homework & given himself 100%. He's published health data, announced satellite hospital rebranding, held the 1st cabinet meeting & met with the police commissioner. As for youth crime, police are feeling "energised" apparently. #qldpol https://x.com/9NewsQueensland/status/1888506706797187369?t=EfTDDWer32-Sy6iGdEfp3Q&s=19

From 2022. 5yr analysis of Qld's state owned energy resources shows they generated $5b in dividends. Some of which is revenue selling excess power to NSW & Vic. Annastacia Palaszczuk's rebate system returned $1.1b of that to Qld households over that period. #qldpol https://www.afr.com/companies/energy/state-owned-energy-companies-deliver-5b-bonanza-for-palaszczuk-20221130-p5c2im

David Fully-Costed & Lord Pocketsquare are experiencing difficulty filling their youth crime expert panel. Several legal experts & former police have turned down their offer. They rushed the youth laws through last year, giving the Justice committee little time to consult & report. #qldpol

Now a bad housing situation becomes worse for North Qld. Can't rely on the private sector, Crisafulli has to go hard. When safe, Palaszczuk-Miles response was to truck in modular homes & deploy housing department staff from Brisbane to the areas. #qldpol

Qld Health Minister & former Newman govt treasurer Tim Nicholls will spend $200k renaming the signage of the new "satellite hospitals" to "health centres". An undisclosed survey of about 3,000 Qld Health staff allegedly backs the change. #qldpol https://www.abc.net.au/news/2025-02-06/qld-government-renames-satellite-hospitals-health-confusion/104904258

Amazed at his own brilliance. These are military bridges. Different armies have developed & deployed them throughout history. His ancestors utilised them in creating their empire. In Qld, decades of work at state, fed & ADF level has resulted in good recovery methodology. #qldpol

Planning changes to Qld wind farms were prepared under the Miles government to make community consultation clearer. However, the Crisafulli govt will allow people not in the vicinity to appeal, potentially tying up projects for years in court. #qldpol https://reneweconomy.com.au/lnps-knee-jerk-change-means-sunshine-state-effectivelyclosed-for-business-for-wind-and-solar/

Working with the Butchulla people, the Miles government's plan for dingo wongari on K'gari was to cap vehicle numbers to the island on the 20 busiest days of the year. The Crisafulli government tore that up & now there's no plan. #qldpol https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2025/feb/02/more-and-more-tourists-are-being-attacked-by-dingoes-on-queenslands-kgari-can-it-be-stopped

Looks like parts of Townsville are going under. "Black zone" declared for 6 suburbs near Ross River: Railway Estate, Hermit Park and Rosslea on the northern bank, and Idalia, Cluden and Oonoonba to the south. Going to be a lot of homeless people. #qldpol https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2025/feb/02/townsville-floods-black-zone-urged-to-evacuate-as-parts-of-north-queensland-hit-with-600mm-of-rain-in-24-hours

Crocs in the floodwaters in North Queensland now. When water recedes they may pop up in unfamiliar places. Be crocwise. There's about six systems over the Coral Sea driving the rainfall. Stay safe everyone. #qldpol https://au.news.yahoo.com/aussies-warned-of-danger-lurking-in-floodwaters-always-an-issue-231615559.html

Qld Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk was always with us, making sure we were aware of approaching danger. Be it a cyclone, flood or fire the whole nation would know about it.

Heard from the incumbent where you live in Australia? Well there you go. #qldpol https://www.youtube.com/live/THifj68cje0?si=b4SXylj2d9O7FjAR

Trans Justice Project is calling for a national day of action against the Qld Gov's cutting of vital trans healthcare services.
Follow @transjusticeadelaide on Instagram for event details
#australia #auspol #qldpol #adelaide #kaurnaYarta #transgender #action #LGBTQIA
Poster reads: Trans justice project national day of action -  Saturday 8 February time and venue to be advised - Adelaide transjustice project

For the love of everything good and holy, learn to write more clearly.

#journalism #queenslandhealthcare #QLD #QLDPol
A headline from the Guardian:

Queensland must listen to doctors on puberty blockers ahead of its own "ideological views", AMA says

A new year in Queensland & the power bills are hitting households. Why's this one so expensive? The government rebate everyone became used to has run out. There's now no Annastacia Palaszczuk or Steven Miles to sort it out. What's the new premier & his ministers had to say? #qldpol

The small-target Qld opposition has now become a panicked government inclined to making policy on the run. His law & order deterrent has exploded. His first 100 days commitment will also explode in 2 weeks time but he's already done up a pamphlet. #qldpol https://archive.md/hpkOO

The Qld Premier isn't good at explaining himself. He's got former TV journos in his media team but it hasn't helped him. Powderfinger bassist John 'JC' Collins was actually appointed to the role prior to the election. NSW has something similar. #qldpol
Link: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-09-24/john-collins-hired-as-nightlife-commissioner-queensland/104387652

TBF the last thing I wanted yesterday, while I was standing for 2 hours in a queue waiting for a 🤬 rail replacement bus, was to to see Crisafulli's smirking face!
#AusPol #QldPol

While Queenslanders all over the state have been getting smashed by storms this season, what's David Crisafulli been doing with his time? Making more pamphlets & eating pies. #qldpol

Opposed by police,13yo was granted bail in the months leading up to the Yamanto attack. He'd committed GBH against a youth worker. Not sure of exact timeline but David Crisafulli did list GBH in his Adult Crime but not attempted murder which is what the boy now faces. #qldpol https://x.com/9NewsQueensland/status/1879806813652070754?t=8DTrXayqbC2U6yN89VrrDQ&s=19

Message for noob Qld Premiers. Don't ram complex legislation like this through the parliament. Make good use of your committees to scrutinise what you're trying to achieve. Give it enough time to consult widely across Qld - victims, legal experts, youth advocates, etc. #qldpol

Some youths in Kingaroy haven't heeded David Crisafulli's message on amendments to the Youth Justice Act. In response Qld Attorney-General Deb Frecklington, whose electorate of Nanango encompasses the town, blamed Labor for crime across the state. #qldpol https://9now.nine.com.au/a-current-affair/youth-crime-plaguing-residents-of-australias-historic-peanut-capital/ab8f4ef2-1ce2-4f52-b1a5-947ec7dc9dbb

David Crisafulli has suddenly increased the Qld police flying squad from 17 officers to a permanent 58. Experienced officers don't appear by magic so resources will have to be drawn from the remote Qld towns. (See recent story about Wondai). #qldpol

Here in Queensland we could once debate Premiers Campbell Newman & Annastacia Palaszczuk. We may have agreed or disagreed with them. Now we have this media generated fuckwit in charge who can't make a decision. #qldpol

David Crisafulli is still trying to tell you all the Bruce Hwy Upgrade Program just began because of him. It commenced in 2013.

You all know us Queenslanders to be direct. Never before has a Qld Premier spoke so much & said so little. #qldpol

Throwback. These five Qld LNP federal MPs were in government in 2016 when they launched a campaign to demand more funding from themselves for the Bruce Hwy Upgrade Program. Who's that on the left? Pauline Hanson saw their billboard & even she realised how dumb this was. #qldpol

Bruce Highway Upgrade Program has been in place since 2013. What more details is Angus Taylor asking for? What we want in Qld is ongoing budget line items from governments on the program. Workers will get it done. Qld TMR documents progress so far here: #qldpol https://www.tmr.qld.gov.au/projects/programs/bruce-highway-upgrade-program

David Crisafulli can proclaim to the nation he's the Bruce Hwy saviour all he likes. Until there's a budget line item, it's talk. His homework is overdue, he's delayed the mid-year review. Qld governments do that if there's a cyclone/flood or they're about to make cuts. #qldpol

Shannon Fentiman referred to MS-2 Step last week after David Crisafulli placed a gag on the Qld Parliament. They are not expecting to make any changes on it but if they needed to amend or repeal no one would be able to raise it. #qldpol https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/mar/07/queensland-abortion-laws-nurses-provide-pills-termination-of-pregnancy