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Beiträge, die mit SMARTPHONES getaggt sind

Das #Galaxy #S25Edge besitzt einen erschreckend kleinen #Akku. Das enthüllen Daten einer Behörde. Eine neue #Batterie-#Technologie wird #Samsung vermutlich erst in den #Smartphones seiner #S26-Serie nutzen. https://winfuture.de/news,148382.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia

#Liberux - Ein neues #Linux #Smartphone

Die spanische Firma Liberux lanciert eine Crowdfunding-Kampagne, um ein hochklassiges Linux-Smartphone auf den Markt zu bringen.

Leser dieses #Blogs interessierten sich auch für reine #Linux-#Smartphones. Zum Glück gibt es seit einigen Jahren nicht nur Android und iOS. Die Auswahl und Zugänglichkeit von freien oder befreiten Smartphones ist grösser geworden. Dabei würde ich zwischen mehreren Levels unterscheiden:


In Zukunft könnte #Samsung bei seinen #Smartphones auf eine modernere #Akku-Technologie setzen. Das #GalaxyS26 dürfte ab 2026 dadurch deutlich länger durchhalten als seine Vorgänger. https://winfuture.de/news,148241.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia

"Now, the rate of new mobile internet subscriber growth is slowing. From 2015 to 2021, the survey consistently found over 200 million coming online through mobile devices around the world each year. But in the last two years, that number has dropped to 160 million. Rest of World analysis of that data found that a number of developing countries are plateauing in the number of mobile internet subscribers. That suggests that in countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria, and Mexico, the easiest populations to get online have already logged on, and getting the rest of the population on mobile internet will continue to be a challenge. GSMA collects data by surveying a nationally representative sample of people in each country, and then it correlates the results with similar studies.

Max Cuvellier Giacomelli, the head of the Mobile for Development program at GSMA, said that large swaths of the world’s population still don’t have access to mobile internet primarily because of affordability. Although the cost of data has dropped radically in recent years, the International Telecommunication Union, a UN agency focused on information and communications technologies, notes that huge disparities between regions persist. The cost of data in Africa, for example, is more than twice that of the Americas, the second most expensive region."


#MobileInternet #DigitalDivide #Smartphones #Cellphones

"[Regarding] the French Government's new policy to allow police to remotely take over a suspect's devices, with access to cameras, microphones and GPS data. But if you think that's uncommon, you'd be very mistaken."

"…of 50 countries studied, every police force had … access to #smartphones and their data."

#Germany, surprisingly, allows intelligence agents to remotely access smartphones and install #spyware on anyone's phone …, even if you're not a suspect in a crime.
