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Beiträge, die mit Webcam getaggt sind

Stehen die Tage der Wetter-Webcams in Österreich gezählt?
Eine Entscheidung der Datenschutzbehörde des Landes verlangt, dass der Betreiber einer Wetter-Webcam in Zwettl die Kamera so einstellt, dass das Haus eines Beschwerdeführers nicht mehr erfasst wird. 🏠

Zum Artikel: https://heise.de/-10301464?wt_mc=sm.red.ho.mastodon.mastodon.md_beitraege.md_beitraege&utm_source=mastodon

#datenschutz #österreich #webcam #wetter #dsgvo
Das Bild zeigt eine Person, die eine Webcam an einer Fassade montiert. Im Bild steht: "Österreich
Datenschutz verbietet  Wetter-Webcam" dadrunter steht: "Vielen österreichischen Webcams droht das Aus. 
Grund ist eine Entscheidung der Datenschutzbehörde des Landes."

Here's a little Christmas present: Views from the highest webcam in the world located on Kala Patthar in Nepal, pointed at Mount Everest.


#live #webcam #mountain #MountEverest #MtEverest
A photo captured by a webcam pointed at Mount Everest. Its largest peak is in the center of the image, rocky, sparsely covered by snow. Two shorter peaks are partially visible on either side.

Clear blue sky is visible behind the mountain.

Where to Watch New Year’s Eve Celebrations From Around the World

The image shows a vibrant fireworks display over a canal in Amsterdam, Netherlands. In the foreground, there are houseboats and the calm waters of the canal reflecting the colorful lights of the fireworks. The background is filled with the stunning spectacle of fireworks exploding in the night sky, with the city's buildings and trees lining the canal visible amidst the bursts of light. The city lights illuminate the buildings along the canal, creating a warm, inviting atmosphere against the dark night sky.
Links to live streams for various cities around the world. Why celebrate once when you can celebrate on the hour all day long!

Not all are pointing directly at the celebrations though, e.g. Cape Town’s cam is pointing towards the mountain, and not towards the Waterfront where the fireworks are going off. So for Cape Town maybe try this one at https://www.earthtv.com/en/webcam/cape-town-table-mountain/live-stream or this one further away especially for the fireworks at https://www.capetown-webcam.com/category/uncategorized/feed.

See https://lifehacker.com/entertainment/livestream-new-years-eve-celebrations-around-the-world
#Blog, #newyear, #technology, #webcam