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Beiträge, die mit abbiehoffman getaggt sind

About that One Dimension @yianiris, via Fidel, at an early 1960s OLAS conference, embedded in #AbbieHoffman's first book. Marcuse tried to drag #MarxISTS (a suffix, like 'ism', meaning 'something like', or attempting to be) kicking and screaming into, at least, the 20th century. They still hate him for it.

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"There are times when political documents, called Marxist, give the impression that someone has gone to an archive and asked for a form: form 14, form 13, form 12; they are all alike, with the same empty words, in language incapable expressing real situations.

Very often, these documents are divorced from real life. And then many people are told that this is Marxism...and in what way is this different from a catechism. and in what way is it different from a litany, from a rosary?...

.. The communist movement developed a method, a style, and in some aspects, even took on the characteristics of a religion. And we sincerely believe that the character should be left behind.

Of course, to some of these "illustrious revolutionary thinkers" we are only petit bourgeois adventurers without revolutionary maturity. We are lucky that the Revolution came before maturity!" ~Major Fidel Castro Ruiz, Speech delivered at the closing of the First Conference of the Latin American Organization of Solidarity (OLAS), August 10, 1967. Gleaned from Revolution For The Hell Of It, Abbie Hoffman, 1968, Dial Press