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Beiträge, die mit assassinations getaggt sind

#Cree Journalist #BrandiMorin -- In #Ecuador Reporting on Canada's #Mining Atrocities

By Brandi Morin, #CensoredNews, December 10, 2024

"I've just returned to Canada after two weeks reporting from Ecuador's sacred lands, where the ancient Andes rise like guardians, their mist-shrouded peaks holding centuries of Indigenous wisdom.

"Here, where emerald mountains cascade into valleys painted with every shade of green imaginable, I documented horrific atrocities committed by Canadian-owned mining companies, backed by both the Canadian and Ecuadorian states, against Indigenous Peoples.
Where emerald mountains cascade into the Amazon basin – a living tapestry where towering ceiba trees stretch their cathedral-like buttresses into rich earth, where iridescent morpho butterflies flash brilliant blue against a thousand shades of green.

"In this realm life pulses in every corner – from the haunting calls of wildlife echoing through dawn mist, to the brilliant flashes of macaws painting the sky, to the delicate orchids that bloom in the embrace of ancient trees.

"The parallels to Canada's treatment of our own people are stark – the same calculated playbook of manufactured/false consent, manipulation, and human rights violations. But here, in these mountains where condors still soar and in forests where the very breath of Earth rises from countless leaves, the violence escalates to near-execution levels."

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