Beiträge, die mit energyefficient getaggt sind
"The #InflationReductionAct allocates $8.8 billion in total funding for consumers who make their homes more #EnergyEfficient.
Consumers can access up to $14,000 or more per household. Many will likely be able to start accessing rebates within months.
The rebates aim to partially or fully offset costs for efficiency projects like installing electric heat pumps, insulation, electrical panels and Energy Star-rated appliances."
Consumers can access up to $14,000 or more per household. Many will likely be able to start accessing rebates within months.
The rebates aim to partially or fully offset costs for efficiency projects like installing electric heat pumps, insulation, electrical panels and Energy Star-rated appliances."
Consumers may soon get access to a share of $8.8 billion in Inflation Reduction Act home energy rebates
Home Energy Rebates funding should start flowing to many consumers within months after the Department of Energy approved the first state application.Greg Iacurci (CNBC)