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Beiträge, die mit WhatBidenDid getaggt sind

Solar energy for renters:
Here's #WhatBidenDid to make it happen.
Do I see Harris' fingerprints.

"The state and national Solar for All programs were created through the #InflationReductionAct to expand access to #SolarEnergy, particularly for families that cannot install solar panels on their own homes, such as renters and those with shaded roofs. Those residents can instead join shared solar sites like the one in Edison and receive credits on their utility bills.


Not a lot of voters (39%) know about #WhatBidenDid for the climate through the #InflationReductionAct, but when they hear what the law does, a large majority (74%) like it.


So: Tell your friends about it, it will make them feel good. Even better when they find out about it can help them upgrade their home or buy an EV. (See list in post above).

Here's #WhatBidenDid for homeowners:
The #InflationReductionAct has tax credits and rebates for buying emissions-reducing goods and services, such as insulation, #HeatPumps, EVs, and more.

Educate yourself on how tax credits and rebates will roll out and what purchases qualify.

Helpful list here:


States and businesses take a while to plan and prepare to use the clean tech incentives in the #InflationReductionAct for large projects, while families are more nimble:

"Individual households are trending above predictions, according to IRS data cited in the report. Four times as many families as expected are taking advantage of the residential tax credits."


"After years of review, the U.S. Department of the Interior finalized a decision to retain protections for 28 million acres of public lands in #Alaska.

The fate of these areas was previously in flux following a Trump-era effort to open them up to development, including oil and gas extraction."


Another example of how you can see Harris' fingerprints in #WhatBidenDid: this admin listens to the voices of Indigenous people.

Here's #WhatBidenDid for American jobs:

U.S. is seeing a boom in clean energy jobs

"The U.S. added 142,000 #CleanEnergy #jobs last year, with employment in the emerging sector growing more than twice as fast as the rest of the energy industry and the economy overall, the Department of Energy said Wednesday in an annual report. Of the more than 250,000 jobs added in the energy sector last year, 56% involved clean energy, the agency found."


Time to talk up the Biden-Harris signature climate law:

Most Americans don't know #WhatBidenDid to fight climate change, and many don't know about the #InflationReductionAct or its success.

"About 4 in 10 registered voters say they’ve heard “nothing at all” about it, according to polling done this spring by Yale University and George Mason University. [But] when people hear about the IRA, they tend to like it."


#WhatBidenDid for red states:

"That more than 190,700 of the #IRA’s clean energy jobs (and more than $286 billion in investment) are in 150 Republican-led districts shows that this bill is impacting “everywhere,” Glass says—even the places where politicians are trying to kill it. Since its passing, House #Republicans have voted 42 times to repeal the clean energy plan."


How #Dalton, Georgia, went from Carpet Capital to Solartown, USA

"Since the IRA passed, #Georgia has received $23 billion in clean energy factory investment, much of it flowing to northwest Georgia. I wanted to see what impact this is having on communities formerly hit hard by industrial decline, so I followed the money trail to Dalton earlier this summer.

I found a population that seems to like having advanced #solar manufacturing in their backyard."


U.S. households claimed $8.4 billion in #InflationReductionAct credits for 2023

Homeowners can "recoup up to 30% of the costs of installing rooftop solar panels, battery storage and wind turbines, for example."

Also "up to 30% of the cost of home-efficiency projects, [including] energy-efficient windows and doors, insulation, electric heat pumps, and having a home energy audit to help determine the best projects to undertake."



Most of the news on #WhatBidenDid for the climate didn't make it out to the voters.
But it should! A lot of exciting stuff.

It's DIY communication now.
Scroll up and down this thread for examples.

"In a separate analysis published in June, the [Yale] researchers surveyed only “pro-climate voters”—those who say that climate change is one of their top issues—and still found that only about half of them are familiar with the #IRA. "

#InflationReductionAct #WhatBidenDid

Although this thread is hashtagged #WhatBidenDid, you can be sure that Harris was part of it all.

Here is a laundry list of things they accomplished, even in the face of Republican opposition. The list covers many issues voters care about, and a lot of it didn't get much coverage in the mainstream news.


– Go through the list.
– Count how many of these you knew about already.
– If it's less than 60%, share the list, it may be useful to your friends.

"President #Biden has taken more action on #ClimateChange than any president in history—though many voters don’t realize that.

And in some cases, when Biden has been criticized for not doing enough, it’s because he’s been blocked."

A Harris White House would continue this work, and accelerate it.
"Trump, on the other hand, has strong ties to the fossil fuel industry."


We’re Still Cleaning Up the Trump Administration’s Environmental Messes

A list of #WhatBidenDid to undo some of the harmful policies put in place under Trump, making life cleaner and safer for Americans.


Here's #WhatBidenDid to fight plastic pollution:

Biden administration unveils plan to wean US government off single-use #plastics

“Because of its purchasing power … the Federal Government has the potential to significantly impact the supply of these products.”


Here's #WhatBidenDid to help low- and moderate-income households who want to install a #HeatPump in their house or upgrade its #insulation, but need help with the upfront cost:

In participating states, you can get up to 100% (up to $14,000) toward the cost of electrification, efficiency upgrades, or EnergyStar appliances.

Find out if your state participates; if not, ask your state reps to push for participation.


Thanks to @croselund for the alert!

#WhatBidenDid to protect millions of US workers from #ExtremeHeat

"The [proposed] rule would require employers to establish a heat safety coordinators, undergo extreme heat safety training, and provide workers with #shade and #water.

It would require a heat acclimatization process for new employees to gradually increase their exposure to high temperatures. Three out of four workers who die of workplace #HeatExposure in the US die during their first week on the job."


Here's #WhatBidenDid for pristine wilderness areas in Alaska:

"Today, my Administration is stopping a 211-mile road from carving up a pristine area that #Alaska Native communities rely on, in addition to steps we are taking to maintain protections on 28 million acres in Alaska from #mining and #drilling," Biden said in a statement. "These natural wonders demand our protection."


Here's #WhatBidenDid for clean energy jobs:

"U.S. companies have created more than 300,000 #CleanEnergy #jobs since President Joe Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law in August 2022.

Other researchers have projected the law will create more than 5 million clean energy jobs over the next decade.

Donald Trump wants to gut the Inflation Reduction Act."


"Millions of voters either do not know basic facts about the Biden presidency (e.g., he expanded NATO, crime is way down) or what they think they know is wrong (e.g., falsely believing we are in a recession)."

*****"Biden does much better with voters who actually know what is going on."*****


Want Biden re-elected?
Find out #WhatBidenDid for ordinary Americans and tell your friends about it.
(Quick start: look up and down this thread).

#WhatBidenDid for #RuralJobs

"#CleanEnergy is exploding in the U.S. — a trend that’s only accelerating as [Biden's] Inflation Reduction Act gives a boost to the industry through 2031.

“When we look at developing utility scale renewable energy projects, they’re very commonly in rural areas of America.
That means all those wind tech #jobs will be rural jobs, and high-paying ones at that. The median income for wind techs is just under $62,000 a year."


#WhatBidenDid for job creation in the clean energy sector:

"Rising to the #climate challenge is turning into a win-win for the U.S. economy, as manufacturing in climate solutions is creating hundreds of thousands of #jobs, directly and indirectly, all across the nation.

Despite cash flowing from a democratic administration, the vast majority of the federal investment – and jobs created – is going to red or swing states.

Screenshot from https://www.the-big-green-machine.com/ 
showing map of the US with locations of clean energy initiatives powered by Biden's Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal and the CHIPS and Science Act.  

To date, 455 projects creating more than 385,000 jobs.

#WhatBidenDid, prioritizing kids in underserved communities:

US gives school districts $900 mln for #ElectricSchoolBuses

"The EPA rebates will support the purchase of 3,400 school buses, 92% of them electric, the White House said. School districts in low income, tribal and rural communities will receive about 67% of the funds."


"The boom in clean energy projects is astounding. Since the passage of the IRA in 2022, incentives provided by the law helped drive $332 billion in new investments in #CleanEnergy and transportation technologies. Almost all of that was private investments, as opposed to government spending, spurred on by an estimated $48 billion in federal tax credits.

While much of the #IRA is working as intended, the American public is largely unaware of the story."


Why the we all need to tell our friends about what #WhatBidenDid to protect the climate:
1. Federal climate action is popular.
2. It get more popular once you explain it.
3. People hate Trump’s positions on the issue.

Also this summer is expected to bring searing heat and mean hurricanes: Stay safe, AND use them as opportunities to talk about climate change.


[Edit:] Scroll up and down this thread to see #WhatBidenDid for climate

"At least 305 major #CleanEnergy projects have been announced in 40 states and Puerto Rico since the IRA passed, Timberlake said, totalling more than $123 billion in capital investments. The Midwest, he added, has received about a quarter of those funds."


#WhatBidenDid to create American clean-energy #jobs, under the #InflationReductionAct

Here's #WhatBidenDid to keep coal in the ground:

"In one of its biggest steps yet to keep #FossilFuels in the ground, the Biden administration announced Thursday that it will end new coal leasing in the #PowderRiverBasin, which produces nearly half the coal in the United States.

The bureau determined that no future coal leasing should happen in the basin, and it estimated that coal mining in the #Wyoming portion of the region would end by 2041."


The #Biden administration issued new minimum #EnergyStandards for homes built with federal dollars.

A bundle of #BuildingCodes that set efficiency targets for insulation,windows, HVAC and other systems, the updated energy standards apply only to new #AffordableHousing construction built with federal financing or funding.

All told, the average annual savings work out to $963 per household."


“With the industrial decarbonization program” — a $10 billion set of awards to more than 130 companies, funded with $6 billion of IRA money — “the number that DOE is touting isn’t $6 billion. It’s $20 billion, because all the projects require cost sharing.”

“The industrial decarbonization programs are first-of-a-kind inroads into a sector that has traditionally been called hard to abate.”


Esciting times. This thread sketches out #WhatBidenDid for the climate.

Americans want climate action at the government level. That action has started under Biden. But:

"Half of Americans have heard not much or nothing about what the Biden administration has done about #ClimateChange. Only 14% say they've heard a lot."

So, tell your friends #WhatBidenDid.


"The money for the solar panels will flow through Environmental Protection Agency's Solar for All grant competition, which was part of Biden's landmark climate change law dubbed the Inflation Reduction Act. The law is expected to create 200,000 jobs and save households in the program about $400 a year, the White House said."


Biden did a lot for the climate, much of it unsung.

"Few Americans say they've heard a lot about what the administration has done on #ClimateChange. That extends to those in the president's own party and to those who rate the issue of climate change as very important. Half of them have heard little or nothing at all about what the administration has done."


So it's DIY communication now: pass the word on #WhatBidenDid for the climate. (People will be happy to hear!)

"The #InflationReductionAct allocates $8.8 billion in total funding for consumers who make their homes more #EnergyEfficient.

Consumers can access up to $14,000 or more per household. Many will likely be able to start accessing rebates within months.

The rebates aim to partially or fully offset costs for efficiency projects like installing electric heat pumps, insulation, electrical panels and Energy Star-rated appliances."


"President Joe Biden celebrates Earth Day by announcing $7 billion in grants for #ResidentialSolar projects that will power nearly a million low-income households.

Residential #solar is difficult to access for lower-income Americans because of its high upfront cost and because less affluent people tend to rent their homes or live in apartment buildings.

Biden's goal: to direct 40% of federal clean energy investment benefits to disadvantaged communities."


Biden administration puts $830M to helping protect #infrastructure from #climate-fueled #ExtremeWeather

"Most of the funding, $621 million, will go toward 36 projects aimed at bolstering the resilience of existing infrastructure through things like improving draining, moving roadways, and lifting up bridges.

An additional $119 million will go toward protecting, strengthening, or removing at-risk coastal infrastructure like highways."
