Beiträge, die mit fredthewondercat getaggt sind
If you can manage all that & randomly add a pic of you holding a cat or even just a photograph of a cat next to your camera you will have pulled off the elusive interwebs trifecta.
🤣 🤣 🤣 ((bonus points if it’s actually your cat extra extra extra points if they’re well loved & cute. Fediverse nerd points for any device image)
🔽 Minor example: my cat, stupidly well loved , my jewelry (handmade points LoL)
🤣 🤣 🤣 ((bonus points if it’s actually your cat extra extra extra points if they’re well loved & cute. Fediverse nerd points for any device image)
🔽 Minor example: my cat, stupidly well loved , my jewelry (handmade points LoL)