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Beiträge, die mit junta getaggt sind

I mean "with guns".

People in the #USA will take up arms against the #Trump #Junta.

Eventually. And maby that "eventually" is closer than most think.

Really, really strongly hope I'm wrong on this one.

ok this kinda sums it all up

"The #protests come as #Democrats in #Washington have been widely #criticised for their #ineffectual response to the #Trump administration’s full-scale #assault on the administrative #state."

The Democrats have lost the #people in the #USA. They're not gonna watch silently the Trump #Junta dismantle their (!) #Republic & elect a "opposition" in 4 years.

Seems the "moderating" effect of the Democrats has vanished & people will fight.



The next step in the #USA will of course be open #Oppression because the #Power of the #Trump - #Junta isn't enough to uphold #Legitimacy even in the medium term.

And all out oppression too won't save that #Regime forever, as #History is pretty clear about that.


Eine Sache steht absolut fest:

Während die Tec-Bro & Idioten #Junta die #USA ausplündern und sich unsere schleimigen #Entscheider_innen untrennbar an dieses sinkende Schiff kleben, wird sich die restliche Welt weiterdrehen.

Lasst uns 10 Jahre so weitermachen & wir kriegen Care-Pakete aus Afrika zugeschickt.