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Beiträge, die mit nouraerakat getaggt sind

"During the run-up to the election, the argument goes, we Palestinian and #ArabAmericans should have understood that resisting fascism in the United States is the primary goal and gotten in line accordingly.

"But resisting fascism is our collective goal. We just know that in order to resist it, we have to fight it on two fronts of #USstateViolence: at home and abroad." - #NouraErakat


#USpol #Gaza #Palestine #ProjectEsther #PalestineSolidarity @palestine
image (at left): Police detain a protester at a May 3, 2024 protest at NYU. source: Getty Images 

text (at right): 

The Boomerang Comes Back
How the U.S.-backed war on Palestine is expanding authoritarianism at home—from Project Esther to violence at the border.

Noura Erakat

Elections, Israel and Palestine, Trump