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Beiträge, die mit optout getaggt sind

Warum darf der #Patient nicht entscheiden wer was zu sehen bekommt, anonymisiert oder nicht? Warum wird den #Menschen hier die #Selbstbestimmung aus der Hand genommen und die #Politik als de Faktor #Betreuer vor die Nase gesetzt? Es sind die sensiblen #Daten der Menschen und darum sollten nur sie entscheiden was damit passiert. Darum #ePA in der jetzigen Form ein absolutes #OptOut.

Today's thought on a #SpendingStrike. I guess I've effectively been doing it for a while, as part of my goal to #OptOut of the capitalist death grind as far as one (globally privileged) person can.

But I'm finding it helpful to codify the idea a bit more.

I've concluded there are basically three different ways to withhold spending from the billionaire class :

AVOID - e.g. don't buy it/spend it at all. We don't need that "labour-saving" gadget, or disease-ridden cruise.

REDIRECT - e.g. shop local, co-op, secondhand, sole trader, farm gate. Redirect transport spending to an ebike, good walking shoes and/or a transit card instead of a fossil fuel car.

POSTPONE - e.g. rediscover old- fashioned thrift, like sewing on a button, using leftovers creatively to make a new meal instead of throwing them out, getting every last scrap out of tubes, squeeze bottles and jars.

I think these categories help me to up my #SpendingStrike game. "How can I avoid/redirect/postpone this specific spend?"

Always looking for more ideas.

Step two in deleting your social media: replace the "social connections" embedded in the platform with other forms and sources of connection.

This is how you leave for good. Migrate, transfer, reclaim those relationships from Big Tech and their #toxictech platforms.


#optout #cybercleanse

(Please share your best "replacements" in comments here! I'd love to share tips...)

Get ready to leave toxic Social Media by ensuring your contacts and calendars are up to date and stored somewhere that isn't owned by a Big Tech Oligarch.

Up next, secure messaging -- then we really start pulling the plug. :)

#cybercleanse #toxictech #optout
