Beiträge, die mit prostate getaggt sind
Lads, lads!
("lads" being "people born with & still having a prostate" regardless of current identification)
I'm about to have my 5th round of chemotherapy for advanced metstatic prostate cancer. A close friend has had surgery to remove theirs today, and another friend in the USA had theirs removed on Thursday.
If you are 50+, then FOR THE LOVE OF WHATEVER DEITY YOU DO OR DON'T HAVE please get a PSA test.
Save yourself being in our position.
#cancer #prostate #PleaseBoost
("lads" being "people born with & still having a prostate" regardless of current identification)
I'm about to have my 5th round of chemotherapy for advanced metstatic prostate cancer. A close friend has had surgery to remove theirs today, and another friend in the USA had theirs removed on Thursday.
If you are 50+, then FOR THE LOVE OF WHATEVER DEITY YOU DO OR DON'T HAVE please get a PSA test.
Save yourself being in our position.
#cancer #prostate #PleaseBoost
Le 1er ministre israelien se fait opérer de la #prostate après avoir mis hors service le dernier #hopital du nord de #Gaza en forçant son évacuation et arrêtant son personnel.
Source: AFP
#israel #palestine #crimesdeguerre
Source: AFP
#israel #palestine #crimesdeguerre
Israël arrête le directeur d’un hôpital de Gaza dans une opération militaire, l’OMS « consternée »
Israël a affirmé samedi avoir arrêté le directeur d’un hôpital du nord de la bande de Gaza présenté comme un centre de commandement du Hamas palestinien et désormais vidé de ses patients et de son personnel, selon l’Organisation mondiale de la santé …Agence France-Presse (Mediapart)