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Beiträge, die mit punchANazi getaggt sind

Wishing you all a festive season!

stolen from elsewhere on the intertubes.

#HappyHolidays #PunchANazi
Meme with 2 photos.  Top photo is of nazi Richard Spencer with the label "The Halls"
Bottom photo is of him being punched by someone labelled "Boughs of Holly"

#Bashthefash #PunchaNazi

From last year: Blood Tribe member Drake Barentz gets his ass kicked in the boxing ring.

Video From February 3, 2023: Blood Tribe asshole can't cut it in a "toughman" competition boxing match.

This is actually quite common: an antifa MMA specialist in the DC area once challenged the head of either the MD State Skinheads or the Keystone State Skinheads (I forget which) to a match IN THEIR OWN DOJO! The Nazi skins chumped out, not wanting to go against a holder of multiple MMA championship belts. At least this one stepped up to the ring, even if he did get incapacitated almost instantly.

Looks like a few good punches to the head in the first round was it.
Well, that's farther than Richard Spencer got at J20 almost 8 years ago. ONE punch and he decided to end his interview, take the ball and go home.

Momma said knock you out!