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Beiträge, die mit strategicsurrender getaggt sind

yeah well .. my starting point was why the #USA is in such a hurry to follow through with #StrategicSurrender towards #Russia. U can read the OP.

That lead to the "debt restucturing" plans from #Trump.

Maby the two things aren't related, but happening in parallel. I don't know.

But whats your take on the strategic surrender & why has it to be so fast ?

I don't know.

I mean the #Trump lunatics are planning to do some really stupid stuff in the future that might explode badly in their faces IF they go through with that.

But that doesn't mean the #USA would be right now in a position where it absolutely has to opt for a #StrategicSurrender.

(And of course they always have the option to like, you know, not do stupid stuff.)

I'm really not seeing the need here. Missing something ?



"#StrategicSurrender has always been a policy adopted by states facing total #defeat and occupation."

eerrrrr .. 🤔 🤨

Does #Trump know something that we don't ?

